When will anyone tell us WTF is going on?


Impressive response again. Do you get all your education from films? And community college?

Impressive response again. Do you get all your education from films? And community college?
No. Only community college, thank you. I'm proud of my AVC education. You're the one that is arguing with a computer screen, too stupid to notice that extraneous comments are being posted, simply to provoke you. Douche!

No. Only community college, thank you. I'm proud of my AVC education. You're the one that is arguing with a computer screen, too stupid to notice that extraneous comments are being posted, simply to provoke you. Douche!

Then the dumb people really are in sales. Not surprised. Wonder how you didn't get fired.

the reality is investors already know what Q3 looks like, it won’t impact valuation. That said you’re assessment is badly misinformed, the market looks for future events and catalysts and Amgen does this in hope of mitigating Q3 and inflecting anticipation of Q4. You’re not nearly as enlightened as you seem to think so be more thoughtful or I’ll continue to monitor your posts and will ramp up the public embarrassment.

Yip yup, classic cuts before earnings... happens all the time across all industries.