you guys want some cheese with that wine? get over it, get to selling. Its the answer anyone in management will give you when you ask them what we are doing to improve customer service, improve the device, improve clinical indications, matter of fact the company is so good, we have made no major changes for three years and are still the best out there. Customer service is the best in the industry. They know everything and excel in providing the best service to all of our clients. There are no wait times when clinics call in, they are just lying to you. If there are hold times, its just because on that day at that very time, there was an unusual amount of calls that came in. Enrollments and patients are turned around the same day, its the patient's fault that it takes more than one day to get on service. And if we can't process the script its because the client submitted the rx wrong. Oh yeah, if you want any information about phone metrics, inaccurate rxs, and payor denials, we will get them to you, next year.