When is the COE REPORT coming?????

You’re 100 % correct!! I am just curious to know how many Sym/Farxiga reps one vs the Sym/Bev/Dal reps won the trip. From the November report it’s like a 80/20 ratio, which I find to be totally unfair. This just shows one team had a better chance at winning. Don’t let the territory number 1 or 2 fool you. Not every 2 in the nation is Sym/Bev/Dal rep. Some are listed Sym/Farxiga. You have a much larger share of voice selling Farxiga so it should be a lesser amount of reps who qualify to win the trip or each team should be weighted against each other. I hope since it’s taking them this long to publish the report they are adjusting the ratio.

They really just need to do without the trip and use that money towards our year end raises because the whole system is a sham. I’ve seen how one partner win the trip but the other partner don’t. How do you know who impacted the office, how does that foster teamwork.

Some people win because they win the metrics lottery. The fact is that AZ definitely screens the winners and removes those that could embarrass them because they have low performance ratings or have been an issue or those that are seen as negative towards management.

Stop with the nonesense. No potential winner gets terminated before COE. They also do not remove anyone from the list who is set to go.

You need to do a bit more research because you obviously do not know what you are talking about. There are many examples of people who were terminated after being announced as winners but before the trip and even more who have been terminated or forced out by mutual consent after going on the trip. They get a mutual separation offer because legal fears firing someone who just won a big award for stellar performance. This list of winners is now examined and vetted closely before the winners are formally announced. You can carve that one in stone.

You need to do a bit more research because you obviously do not know what you are talking about. There are many examples of people who were terminated after being announced as winners but before the trip and even more who have been terminated or forced out by mutual consent after going on the trip. They get a mutual separation offer because legal fears firing someone who just won a big award for stellar performance. This list of winners is now examined and vetted closely before the winners are formally announced. You can carve that one in stone.
Well then give us an example! You say there many examples so get to
It. That way I don’t have to do research because you have many examples

There aren’t any examples. Just another person who hasn’t ever won this award.
Actually a few years ago there were some reps, a CBD and a DSM all from CV, all out west who were does with cause .I can't say with certainty if ALL had qualified for COE but I recall a few had and 1 actually went shortly before bring terminated .

nothung puts a target on your head like “winning” coe.

First of all it’s a lottery and has next to nothing to do with selling skill or effort. Formulary wins drive coe “wins”.

Secondly, all you do when you “win” is shoot your self in the foot for the following year when your goals are jacked up to an unattainable level, then you have management up your ass about the “why” behind your “poor performance”, as If you’ve changed a damn thing from what you did the previous year when they were kissing your ass. Not to mention, win coe and get a “5”....whoop dee doo it gets you nothing. Fall the next year when your goals go sky high and get a 1 or 2 rating, and you’re toast, just like the rest of the sorry saps who have been let go right befor Xmas for past 2 years.

Most skewed system I’ve EVER seen,

nothung puts a target on your head like “winning” coe.

First of all it’s a lottery and has next to nothing to do with selling skill or effort. Formulary wins drive coe “wins”.

Secondly, all you do when you “win” is shoot your self in the foot for the following year when your goals are jacked up to an unattainable level, then you have management up your ass about the “why” behind your “poor performance”, as If you’ve changed a damn thing from what you did the previous year when they were kissing your ass. Not to mention, win coe and get a “5”....whoop dee doo it gets you nothing. Fall the next year when your goals go sky high and get a 1 or 2 rating, and you’re toast, just like the rest of the sorry saps who have been let go right befor Xmas for past 2 years.

Most skewed system I’ve EVER seen,
STFU all of you! You all have a job that pays well. Monday to Friday, from 9 to 5, AZ owns your time. If you don’t like that arrangement, then there’s only one way to change it.

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