When is Onyx Getting Bought?


I know, I know.....old hat....but, does anyone have any thoughts about the possibility of a buy out? And if not, how long do we wait before we cash out?! 110? Seems like TC has already made all the money he needs to make out of Onyx, and maybe the incentive to sell is no longer there....?? I realize any comments would just be speculation, but I like hearing the various views..... And what about Nexavar in Thyroid? What's taking that info so long?

I know, I know.....old hat....but, does anyone have any thoughts about the possibility of a buy out? And if not, how long do we wait before we cash out?! 110? Seems like TC has already made all the money he needs to make out of Onyx, and maybe the incentive to sell is no longer there....?? I realize any comments would just be speculation, but I like hearing the various views..... And what about Nexavar in Thyroid? What's taking that info so long?

This week at Stivarga launch meeting?? Just kidding, who knows?!?! But waiting and wondering every day can make your time here dredge by very very slowly.

I can't imagine why we are NOT being sold (or taken-over by Bayer) especially the KI team. Bayer has Onyx as the contracted field team--that's it for Stivarga. We have really no say...it is their molecule. As for Nexavar, there's nothing going on and Bayer bringing it all under one roof seems like the reasonable thing to do???? Plus they'd get the PI franchise to boot. But sometimes, especially when watching and waiting...nothing reasonable seems to happen.

With thyroid, it is such a small market it doesn't matter.

If its going to happen, it would be before the end of the year. Can't have Bayer running one side of the company and not the other. Could be a culture shift over night. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.

As above, Bayer had numerous opportunities to buy Onyx for much less. If they were to buy Onyx now, I don't think the board would accept anything less than $120.

And it's not Tony himself that makes this decision either; It's the board.

As above, Bayer had numerous opportunities to buy Onyx for much less. If they were to buy Onyx now, I don't think the board would accept anything less than $120.

And it's not Tony himself that makes this decision either; It's the board.

Nobody thought Genentech would get bought by Roche either and it finally happened so still not ruling out a Bayer purchase here. If not Bayer it will be another big pharma. Genentech was alot more expensive then Onyx is at this point.

Nobody thought Genentech would get bought by Roche either and it finally happened so still not ruling out a Bayer purchase here. If not Bayer it will be another big pharma. Genentech was alot more expensive then Onyx is at this point.

Bayer here. Believe me... you do not want Bayer to buy you. The business of Bayer is too run "hot" less people doing many jobs. Employees with much skill. talent plus long year's of service to Bayer routinely leave with not a care from Bayer.

Big... bad and indifferent to employees of all pay grades seems to be the Bayer way.

Very accurate look at our future. At some point Bayer almost has to buy us and when they do the TKI reps will laugh all the way to the bank while whiny piss ants over on the carf side will be living the dream at Bayer.

Sense of entitlement is not a good look for you old timers. Try selling something and our stock may go up instead of you complaining.

Hundreds waiting in line for your spot and Onyx is the best thing going right now. Just shows you money cannot buy happiness. Have freakin 15,000 shares and still not happy. Will never be enough!! Ugly on the inside for sure.

Speaking of stock, can anyone please offer an explanation on why we are down nearly $20 off the high after announcing a "blow out" of our Kyprolis sales? Is something going on we don't know about? Does anyone have the guts to ask TC on the town hall call today? All we can hope is that this price makes us more attractive for a buy out.

Sense of entitlement is not a good look for you old timers. Try selling something and our stock may go up instead of you complaining.

Hundreds waiting in line for your spot and Onyx is the best thing going right now. Just shows you money cannot buy happiness. Have freakin 15,000 shares and still not happy. Will never be enough!! Ugly on the inside for sure.

You're kidding right? If the KI team weren't selling you PI folks wouldn't have a job? Nexavar sales are up, and ahead of goal. Plenty of selling going on across both teams. Remember, you guys won't be profitable for 3-4 more years. Heck, you blew sales out of the water last quarter and still, you aren't even covering your costs (salaries). You will, and no one doubts that, but the PI team is an investment and the KI team was and continues to be the startup capital or VC. Just don't get smug and give us a lecture on attitude, it is tantamount to criticizing "the hand(s) that f*cking fed you" or at least allowed for your present opportunity. We are in this together...accept it or not. It is a co-dependent relationship, grow-up.

Only in America can we find millionaires and future millionaires angry? Lets all relax and ride this beautiful wave of opportunity during these tough times. Reflection time everyone.

There might be millionaires in the current sales force (old timers), but there are not any future millionairs on the carf side unless they have an inheritance coming. This pig will be sold before their options/RSUs are worth 6 figures. Good to be an old timer!!!

Not sure what stock y'all are looking at, but none of us on the KI side are Millionaires!! All we can hope for with the price of the stock today--which might drop more with the fiscal cliff-- is a buy-out! Even then, unless we get $100/ share, we won't be Millionaires! And if we get bought at $100 and all shares vest, you PI folks will do alright too--- and your base salaries and massive bonuses will make it all even out!!

Correct, but wouldn't you feel better working for a company who treated its two sales forces equally? Our bonus potential during launch phase should be EQUAL. Plain and simple. Not a hard concept. Wonder what a labor lawyer would say to the base salary discrepancy? Initial stock options don't count--KI force joined when the company was nothing. PI force joined a well established company and got conditional offers based on approval of drug--no risk there. My guess is that on a yearly basis moving forward, both sales forces are getting the same amount of stock options. Two people working at the exact same company, doing the exact same job with the same experience should be paid equally. And until Onyx addresses this, there will continue to be this unfortunate divide amongst us and the KI side will feel like a second class citizen or ugly step child. Unbelievable that the upper ups don't get this concept-I guess values aren't really all that important.

Agreed! And as for EQUALITY, why do women never get promoted out in the field at this company?! 3 more men recently promoted out here. Not saying they don't deserve it, but eventually PS is going to have to learn how to place nice- nice in the sandbox with WOMEN, and Onyx should take a look at this soon.