When does DSM's & CBD's find out future?


Eliminations. Sometimes, just sometimes it's better to keep the devil you know. Rarely have things ever gotten better with the departure of that which you THOUGHT was evil.

Eliminations. Sometimes, just sometimes it's better to keep the devil you know. Rarely have things ever gotten better with the departure of that which you THOUGHT was evil.

Some of these old timers have become complacent and are seen as overhead that we can no longer afford. AZ is looking to open up the few remaining promoted positions to younger people who have a longer future here. And eliminating legacy pension liabilities is a big driving factor.
You are going to see some shocking announcements soon. Most of them will not be missed and some departures may even be celebrated.

Can't wait for karma to get one miserable, fraudulent, demeanor of a 17 year old fatty in The north in particular. She's done scamming. Wonder if her skill set of
Ordering lunches will provide her other corporate opportunities out there?

Oh please, there are probably less than two dozenpeople left who have legacy pensions. And yes, the devil you know is usually the best.

AZ sees these people as unnecessary overhead. They have been systematically eliminating them over several years. You could make a list every year of those who fit this category. Slow enough to avoid discrimination suits and now they will be eliminating the remaining few.

Oh please, there are probably less than two dozenpeople left who have legacy pensions. And yes, the devil you know is usually the best.

That is two dozen too many then but no longer. Bye Bye and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Many of these people will be shocked and never saw it coming. There will be a lot of angry people when this is all done.