When did Acumed "Jump The Shark"

Here is a better question: where is the open door policies or employee empower that used to exist at Acumed. “Lemme answer that one for you” it left with RH’s genius. How the hell can any of us do anything to make things better when the chicken shit ET doesn’t allow anyone to breathe unless they say so?
The ET leads by fear just like dictators or to be more specific- cowards. If you speak up you are fired. If you question leadership you are fired. So take your ignorant question on “what are you doing to make a change” and stick up your ass.
None of us looked at one person for creative spark, RH ALLOWED employees to offer input and work as a team. There was no fear in losing your job every Thursday, Friday, or whenever the ET decides to get a hair up there ass about someone. And what the fuck do you know about desire? Your only desire is that your name isn’t called next on HR’s chopping block.
I have to wonder, when the shoe is on the other foot and the ET finally makes you a statistic, what your opinion will be then? Deep down you know your turn is coming.

Here is the difference between you and I. I do not fear the ET. Nor do I fear the "shoe being on the other foot".
Why? Because I am a performer and have incredible value. That's the difference between all of you cowards and sheep. You live in fear of HR and the ET because you have no great value and NEED this job.
Open door policy? It's called having the balls to speak up and knowing you can because you have WORTH. You, and the others here that cower in fear, obviously have no real worth and can be easily replaced.
So, let's revisit the issue here. Is the company having issue because RH left and took creativity and a laid back attitude and leadership or is it that he was hiding all of you talentless leeches with his stated attributes?
I'm thinking it's the latter.

You and similar malicious cronies are the reason everyone is leaving. Jenn Zuba being the latest to escape the hell hole called a work place. Enjoy running a company without talent. You are a 1950's tool who deserves jail time along with whoever at Colson gave you power. Time will run out and you will suddenly wish you had listened to the " liberal herd." Queue response about about dissenters working in fast food!

Was JZ a real loss? Really?
All of the talent is leaving? I guess without JZ all will fall apart.

Sour grapes. Sour, sour grapes.

this poster knows what they are talking about. To the OP this post was in response too-
Your time is coming. JR thought he was safe. DJ thought he was safe. If Colson has no problems in eliminating higher level positions such as JR and DJ, what the hell makes you think you are safe?

You sheep are clueless.

JR was the village idiot. Your thinking he was powerful shows just how out of touch you are with the company, the industry and honestly the world around you.

No wonder you fear for job every moment of the day.

Help me out here.....just exactly what have YOU done to lead?

You can certainly lead an attack on people who are defending (not wishing he was back...no one said anything like that) one of the kindest people the organization has ever had.

Perhaps a course in anger management or civility would be of great benefit to you.

Proof positive that there are far too many people still at Acumed that are too soft.

If you find yourself offended by comments from the Lead, Follow... poster, then a long hard look in the mirror is suggested.
I'm not sure there are enough spinal implants available to give you a backbone.

Find you own way out.

Here is the difference between you and I. I do not fear the ET. Nor do I fear the "shoe being on the other foot".
Why? Because I am a performer and have incredible value. That's the difference between all of you cowards and sheep. You live in fear of HR and the ET because you have no great value and NEED this job.
Open door policy? It's called having the balls to speak up and knowing you can because you have WORTH. You, and the others here that cower in fear, obviously have no real worth and can be easily replaced.
So, let's revisit the issue here. Is the company having issue because RH left and took creativity and a laid back attitude and leadership or is it that he was hiding all of you talentless leeches with his stated attributes?
I'm thinking it's the latter.

The issue is the statement "you live in fear of HR and ET".... we should not have to- even low performers. The leadership should be working with employees, encouraging engagement, actually leading. Fear does not motivate- the fact that there is even that perception is problematic. And as a so called "performer with incredible value" (though I have doubts) you should be equally if not more so disappointed. Having people fear leadership hurts everyone. So get your head out of your ass and stop thinking this is a problem for just "sheep" because when the sheep flee- who do you think the wolves are going to go after?

The issue is the statement "you live in fear of HR and ET".... we should not have to- even low performers. The leadership should be working with employees, encouraging engagement, actually leading. Fear does not motivate- the fact that there is even that perception is problematic. And as a so called "performer with incredible value" (though I have doubts) you should be equally if not more so disappointed. Having people fear leadership hurts everyone. So get your head out of your ass and stop thinking this is a problem for just "sheep" because when the sheep flee- who do you think the wolves are going to go after?

Where I agree that no one should live in fear or have that perception hovering, I disagree as fear being a motivator. Not ideal, but it does motivate.
I won't address the performer deal again. I know and what was said previously is more than enough of a point.

If sheep flee, there will always be more. And, the strong never fear these so called wolves. I know I don't.
But, your comments do cause me to wonder. If the people feel they live in fear, who exactly is causing this? Be more specific than just saying the ET.

Here is the difference between you and I. I do not fear the ET. Nor do I fear the "shoe being on the other foot".
Why? Because I am a performer and have incredible value. That's the difference between all of you cowards and sheep. You live in fear of HR and the ET because you have no great value and NEED this job.
Open door policy? It's called having the balls to speak up and knowing you can because you have WORTH. You, and the others here that cower in fear, obviously have no real worth and can be easily replaced.
So, let's revisit the issue here. Is the company having issue because RH left and took creativity and a laid back attitude and leadership or is it that he was hiding all of you talentless leeches with his stated attributes?
I'm thinking it's the latter.

So what are you waiting for? You have the balls to speak up right? Go speak up and make the great change at Acumed. Go show everyone how much you are worth? Why waste your time with the sheep and the cowards? Go show everyone that you don’t live in fear.
Oh that’s right, it’s much easier for you to post to a board rather than practicing what you preach. If you have WORTH and confidence, take the lead, the rest of us will either follow or get the F out of the way.
There the line has been drawn in the sand we will eagerly await the amazing change for the better you speak of.

So what are you waiting for? You have the balls to speak up right? Go speak up and make the great change at Acumed. Go show everyone how much you are worth? Why waste your time with the sheep and the cowards? Go show everyone that you don’t live in fear.
Oh that’s right, it’s much easier for you to post to a board rather than practicing what you preach. If you have WORTH and confidence, take the lead, the rest of us will either follow or get the F out of the way.
There the line has been drawn in the sand we will eagerly await the amazing change for the better you speak of.


It's obvious that you have no clue. How do you know that I already DO what you are requesting? I cannot list my accomplishments here, it would derail my other plans as people like RR, LDL and others read this site. I know this personally.

There are always plans in the works. As a matter of fact, there will be another long time cancer removed from Acumed.
Do you think it is coincidence that in less than a year of having the JR thread being the most popular Acumed thread, that JR was removed?

And those are just the "people" positive changes. I have no desire to list any and all others.

Again, value and worth.

Here is the difference between you and I. I do not fear the ET. Nor do I fear the "shoe being on the other foot".
Why? Because I am a performer and have incredible value. That's the difference between all of you cowards and sheep. You live in fear of HR and the ET because you have no great value and NEED this job.
Open door policy? It's called having the balls to speak up and knowing you can because you have WORTH. You, and the others here that cower in fear, obviously have no real worth and can be easily replaced.
So, let's revisit the issue here. Is the company having issue because RH left and took creativity and a laid back attitude and leadership or is it that he was hiding all of you talentless leeches with his stated attributes?
I'm thinking it's the latter.

Your are right,
Let’s revisit the issue-
How does the company look now?
How did it look under RH?
Under RH, the posting board never existed. Under RH the fear didn’t exist. Under RH the high turnover didn’t exist. The term talentless leeches didn’t exist either under RH because he had the ability to make everyone a performer with incredible value. Under RH we didn’t NEED a job we wanted a job.
The fact that you stated people can be replaced shows the lack of leadership and incapability you have to run a company. players will not play for someone they do not respect.
You can play your “cut throat” attitude all you want. We have seen where it has lead the Acumed.


It's obvious that you have no clue. How do you know that I already DO what you are requesting? I cannot list my accomplishments here, it would derail my other plans as people like RR, LDL and others read this site. I know this personally.

There are always plans in the works. As a matter of fact, there will be another long time cancer removed from Acumed.
Do you think it is coincidence that in less than a year of having the JR thread being the most popular Acumed thread, that JR was removed?

And those are just the "people" positive changes. I have no desire to list any and all others.

Again, value and worth.

Obviously you don’t have much to DO since you keep responding to the postings. I would have figured your WORTH was such a high value to Acumed that you would be doing bigger and better things to make the company stronger rather than having your ass handed to you over this board.
I mean after all someone with your abilities should be actively moving the company to better grounds. Instead you are busy trying to figure out how to convince us that you are worth a shit.
Quick, come up with another response….. show us how valuable you are.


It's obvious that you have no clue. How do you know that I already DO what you are requesting? I cannot list my accomplishments here, it would derail my other plans as people like RR, LDL and others read this site. I know this personally.

There are always plans in the works. As a matter of fact, there will be another long time cancer removed from Acumed.
Do you think it is coincidence that in less than a year of having the JR thread being the most popular Acumed thread, that JR was removed?

And those are just the "people" positive changes. I have no desire to list any and all others.

Again, value and worth.

If you were that important, you wouldn’t waste your time on this site.


It's obvious that you have no clue. How do you know that I already DO what you are requesting? I cannot list my accomplishments here, it would derail my other plans as people like RR, LDL and others read this site. I know this personally.

There are always plans in the works. As a matter of fact, there will be another long time cancer removed from Acumed.
Do you think it is coincidence that in less than a year of having the JR thread being the most popular Acumed thread, that JR was removed?

And those are just the "people" positive changes. I have no desire to list any and all others.

Again, value and worth.

Who is LDL- I am drawing a blank

Obviously you don’t have much to DO since you keep responding to the postings. I would have figured your WORTH was such a high value to Acumed that you would be doing bigger and better things to make the company stronger rather than having your ass handed to you over this board.
I mean after all someone with your abilities should be actively moving the company to better grounds. Instead you are busy trying to figure out how to convince us that you are worth a shit.
Quick, come up with another response….. show us how valuable you are.

Ass handed to me. Easy to see reality escapes you.

How about this, SC gone.

I called for it on yet another thread, mirroring JR's and guess what? It happened.

Your are right,
Let’s revisit the issue-
How does the company look now?
How did it look under RH?
Under RH, the posting board never existed. Under RH the fear didn’t exist. Under RH the high turnover didn’t exist. The term talentless leeches didn’t exist either under RH because he had the ability to make everyone a performer with incredible value. Under RH we didn’t NEED a job we wanted a job.
The fact that you stated people can be replaced shows the lack of leadership and incapability you have to run a company. players will not play for someone they do not respect.
You can play your “cut throat” attitude all you want. We have seen where it has lead the Acumed.

And under RH, Acumed only grew so much. When it hit it's ceiling under his leadership it couldn't go any further.
Why were the company's numbers down for the last 3 years? Please explain?
Why did the innovation stop? Why didn't you keep up with a market YOU created? Why did competition pass you by like you were walking and they were in a sports car??

RH is gone. Does that mean your creativity and desire to do more and be more is gone too?
Don't look for someone else to pull you up. Do it yourself.

I am glad this board is here. It gives me something to read while I sit on the can, collecting a paycheck. Feel sorry for the posters doing this on a unemployment check.....

Ass handed to me. Easy to see reality escapes you.

How about this, SC gone.

I called for it on yet another thread, mirroring JR's and guess what? It happened.

The poster is actually trying to take credit for getting rid of JR? and SC?
If this were true and “plans are in the works” to remove people, then you are a god damn fool for admitting that information for public to see. You are worried your accomplishments derailing? You have just fucked yourself by coming out with your statements. Anyone who has that type of Value, Worth, or Power should be smart enough to know how to use it.

The poster is actually trying to take credit for getting rid of JR? and SC?
If this were true and “plans are in the works” to remove people, then you are a god damn fool for admitting that information for public to see. You are worried your accomplishments derailing? You have just fucked yourself by coming out with your statements. Anyone who has that type of Value, Worth, or Power should be smart enough to know how to use it.

I guess I'm not that important.