When Cruz is at home


And he changes out of his "public" clothes and into a dress, do you think he also wears a hat as well - maybe a bonnet? He just seems like more of a frumpy old lady type of cross dresser than anything else. I guess it is his voice along with the rest of his mannerisms.

Do you think he has to hide it from the wife or is she on board?


One thing is for sure. Cruz makes you quake in your panties regardless of how he's dressed!

You poor little unoriginal lack-o-wit. I guess I should have pity on you instead of = gitten yo ASS!

I will make you a bet. If Cruz wins the presidential election (VP doesn't count) then I will film myself tongue-fucking a dog's asshole and post a link to the vid here. If he doesn't win then you do the same. So once he doesn't win the Republican nomination, then you have to pay up.

I am certain in my conviction that the nation will not elect a wanna-be tough talking whiny ass for president.

Cruz comes across as crazy. Crazy doesn't win the nomination, regardless of money, endorsements, likeability or whatever.

If crazy does somehow buck this for the nomination, then crazy loses in the general election.

Cruz has no chance.

Cruz comes across as crazy. Crazy doesn't win the nomination, regardless of money, endorsements, likeability or whatever.

If crazy does somehow buck this for the nomination, then crazy loses in the general election.

Cruz has no chance.

Say hello to President Cruz.

I'll make this easy for you.

"Crazy" beats evil, lying crazy bitch!

You are politically naive or biased to the point of stupid if you don't realize that Cruz has a very good chance of getting the nomination and winning the general.

You poor little unoriginal lack-o-wit. I guess I should have pity on you instead of = gitten yo ASS!

I will make you a bet. If Cruz wins the presidential election (VP doesn't count) then I will film myself tongue-fucking a dog's asshole and post a link to the vid here. If he doesn't win then you do the same. So once he doesn't win the Republican nomination, then you have to pay up.

I am certain in my conviction that the nation will not elect a wanna-be tough talking whiny ass for president.

Wow! I certainly had you pegged right, Bottom Boy. Not only are you a homosexual freak but now you want to go bestialty!

There is only one thing certain about you and that's that you are certainly an idiot.
Yes, Cruz is by far my candidate. I think he stands a very good chance of winning his party's nomination. If he does I definitely think he beats Hillary.

Basically all you have is perversion and bias. You are so biased that you will not be informed by objective data such as polling. Polling is far from the be all and end all, however for the question at hand, whether Cruz is a viable candidate who could win the presidency it is more than sufficient. Polls clearly indicate that he is competitive with Hillary. Though your biased little eyes can't see it, in a showdown with Hillary, she's going to have much more baggage and much more to answer for than Cruz is. I think Cruz will be our next president, but hey it could be Rubio. What I'm confident in is that it won't be Hillary.

Wow! I certainly had you pegged right, Bottom Boy. Not only are you a homosexual freak but now you want to go bestialty!

There is only one thing certain about you and that's that you are certainly an idiot.
Yes, Cruz is by far my candidate. I think he stands a very good chance of winning his party's nomination. If he does I definitely think he beats Hillary.

Basically all you have is perversion and bias. You are so biased that you will not be informed by objective data such as polling. Polling is far from the be all and end all, however for the question at hand, whether Cruz is a viable candidate who could win the presidency it is more than sufficient. Polls clearly indicate that he is competitive with Hillary. Though your biased little eyes can't see it, in a showdown with Hillary, she's going to have much more baggage and much more to answer for than Cruz is. I think Cruz will be our next president, but hey it could be Rubio. What I'm confident in is that it won't be Hillary.

Well lack-o-wit, you could have saved some time and simply admitted that you were a chickenshit who isn't really sure that Cruz can do it. I am certain that he can't.

You are the perfect Republican, quick to abandon any pretense of principal whenever you perceive that your "principals" get in your way. Look how quickly you abandon Christian values when confronted with a superior opponent. I bet you're one of those fierce weak-hearts who want to turn away all refugees from Syria.

As for the perversion part, you got that right. Fortunately I am able to satisfy myself - with yo ass.

Well lack-o-wit, you could have saved some time and simply admitted that you were a chickenshit who isn't really sure that Cruz can do it. I am certain that he can't.

You are the perfect Republican, quick to abandon any pretense of principal whenever you perceive that your "principals" get in your way. Look how quickly you abandon Christian values when confronted with a superior opponent. I bet you're one of those fierce weak-hearts who want to turn away all refugees from Syria.

As for the perversion part, you got that right. Fortunately I am able to satisfy myself - with yo ass.

This is nothing short of rambling insanity. Thanks for the admission that you are beaten.

From reading the above posts, I believe the same anon person is holding his wanger as he types different posts to himself.....just sayin'

From reading the above posts, I believe the same anon person is holding his wanger as he types different posts to himself.....just sayin'

Ah "just saying", the mark of another arrested development case. One can only imagine the mentality of one who finds this witty.

You have always sounded dumb, Drug Dumber, now you only confirm it. I do not just hold my wang by the way, I usually stroke it as well - very pleasurable. I recommend it to all.

I assume you are one of those chickenhearts who cheer your Governor's decision to deny entry to Syrian refugees. Hopefully you are not doing the Christian religion the harm of also identifying yourself as one of the faithful.

I think one important question is whether or not the look on Cruz's face and whiny voice come from too much extended buttplug wear. Of course there is nothing wrong with a reasonable amount of buttplug useage, but you cant leave it in all the time lest you wind up with the "Cruz Effect".

Think about it the next time you see him speak and see if you don't think I'm right.

I think one important question is whether or not the look on Cruz's face and whiny voice come from too much extended buttplug wear. Of course there is nothing wrong with a reasonable amount of buttplug useage, but you cant leave it in all the time lest you wind up with the "Cruz Effect".

Think about it the next time you see him speak and see if you don't think I'm right.

You're not right. You're not even sane.

You seem to know too much about butt pluggs.

Again you reveal yourself to be one with limited vision and intellect and stuck at a ten year old's level of reasoning (your attempt at an insult would have been no doubt quite witty on the fifth grade playground). It is impossible to know too much about any sex toy - buttplugs included. Any thinking man would realize this immediately.

And while it is not possible to know too much about buttplugs, it is certainly possible to wear one too long. Simply watch a clip of Ted Cruz speaking to see what that looks like. I believe it would be defamatory to Senator Cruz to suggest that he could have become so whiny and effeminate on his own without some outside influence or agency.

Rafael Cruz added to the national debt with his $24,000,000,000 shutdown filibuster knowing he was not going to repeal ACA. He did it as a twenty four Billion dollar publicity stunt to demonstrate to right wing evangelical fanatics his dedication to destroy democracy and to create a theocracy with himself as chief money changer. Enrolling his family in ACA must have been painful for his followers.

Rafael Cruz added to the national debt with his $24,000,000,000 shutdown filibuster knowing he was not going to repeal ACA. He did it as a twenty four Billion dollar publicity stunt to demonstrate to right wing evangelical fanatics his dedication to destroy democracy and to create a theocracy with himself as chief money changer. Enrolling his family in ACA must have been painful for his followers.

Not at all because we have good sense. You, however, are an idiot.

I assume you are one of those chickenhearts who cheer your Governor's decision to deny entry to Syrian refugees. Hopefully you are not doing the Christian religion the harm of also identifying yourself as one of the faithful.

Why yes, I agree with Gov. Haley's decision to not let Syrians into the state...but I go even further in stating I don't think ANY of the Middle East refugees be allowed into the state. And I am a Christian, they are not.