A Cruz / AOC ticket?

Ya know, I did bring it up first but I didn’t anticipate somebody as ignorant as you who would question the meaning of the term. One Way to define a Christian is someone who loves God with all their heart, mind and strength And their neighbor as their self. That is what Cruz was doing with AOC. Giving praise where it was due in relation to a health emergency. Now what problem do you have with him doing that? Isn’t that what should happen in both directions?

I'am questioning what YOU think it is, and the way it sounds so coming from you far only in times of emergency. Now that's ignorant.

Yeah Obama was elected in 2009 and left in 2016, Cruz ran but never did become president, so why are either one of these people even relevant to talk about? :rolleyes:o_O

Sparkles wants Cruz for 2024. I just wonder, can he unseat President Biden then? :rolleyes:

Sparkles wants Cruz for 2024. I just wonder, can he unseat President Biden then? :rolleyes:
You unintentionally opened up an opportunity for a serious bit of political analysis. If things with Wuhan don’t go particularly well, then Pence will be the sacrificial lamb since he was appointed to head up the response team and be dropped from the ticket. His replacement would likely be Nikki Haley which from an identity politics perspective would be a good move. This would essentially eliminate what at this stage would seem to be Cruz’s most powerful rival for the Republican nomination in ‘24, so the chances of Cruz actually being elected will go up if these things happen. You’re welcome for the actual political analysis.

You unintentionally opened up an opportunity for a serious bit of political analysis. If things with Wuhan don’t go particularly well, then Pence will be the sacrificial lamb since he was appointed to head up the response team and be dropped from the ticket. His replacement would likely be Nikki Haley which from an identity politics perspective would be a good move. This would essentially eliminate what at this stage would seem to be Cruz’s most powerful rival for the Republican nomination in ‘24, so the chances of Cruz actually being elected will go up if these things happen. You’re welcome for the actual political analysis.

Not unintentional at all Sparkles. I've even mentioned how he's growing his beard to look more like Poncho Vi;;a and appeal to his homies.

Speaking of the Trump Shit Show: Love it how he 'keeps his distance' and shakes hands with the execs - those that started the 'keep your distance' policy - setting the tone for America - LOL ;)

Not unintentional at all Sparkles. I've even mentioned how he's growing his beard to look more like Poncho Vi;;a and appeal to his homies.

Speaking of the Trump Shit Show: Love it how he 'keeps his distance' and shakes hands with the execs - those that started the 'keep your distance' policy - setting the tone for America - LOL ;)
No it was unintentional because Cruz growing a beard is totally unrelated. You’re a silly fool and have made yourself look ridiculous. What was really funny and a terrible example is a trained medical professional (not a businessman like Trump) was licking her fingers to turn pages while talking about keeping your hands away from your face! Once again you fall flat on your face in criticizing Trump and expose your irrational bias! ;);):D