hope we wait for the new iPhones
Yea right corp dummy nobody in the field wants your nazi iphones followed by another speech of how transparent and trusting the new culture is lol. What a joke.
Most are already working our balls off. No one who actually wants to make a lot of money in bonus is sitting at home faking calls.
FYI.. U cannot turn off the tracking gps on your iPad, if you do it will automatically send an email saying warning. At the same time it will also send the same email to your manager and IT department. The only way to avoid this is by turning the iPad off. If they do give us iPhone's they legally are allowed to track us thru the phone... Since its corp owed.
Yeah right! Is that even possible? Are you guys so paranoid about reps working that u have to stalk them? Hey most of us do work and get our job done, if I take a 30
min shopping break after I did a lunch is that really a big deal? How many of us actually get a lunch break? Most of us work all the way through the whole day so I hope they don't get mad if I stop and pick up my dry cleaning or make a quick stop at the post office during my day...as long as we are getting our 7 calls in per day and growing business we will be okay right?
How about MacBook?
If the iPads have 3G they can track where you are but they have to disclose that to you...so whoever is trying to use scare tactics to get people all riled up...thanks for your info but if Shire is tracking the sales reps, we will know about it.
If the iPads have 3G they can track where you are but they have to disclose that to you...so whoever is trying to use scare tactics to get people all riled up...thanks for your info but if Shire is tracking the sales reps, we will know about it.
its real but we need it to compete
Just turn location services off. You really think they are sitting at home looking at 500 plus red dots on a screen to see where you are? They would have to fire everyone.