When are we back in the field?

Access has been the challenge, many accounts are literally not meeting, until COVID and the positivity rates start declining. PCP a bit more open, hospital and specialty worried about immunocompromised patients like oncs...hoping this COIVD thing passes soon. Miss the field. Making about 4-8 calls live visits per week.

I agree with this...I am seeing the same type of atmosphere. Unfortunately feel like Q4 will be even more hard to get access to accounts.

Sound like you’re very ineffective at your job. Perhaps you should consider asking to be transferred to an RSR position until you can master the fundamentals.

I sincerely hope that this is a serious post. Many are unaware that the RSR position was created back in the early days of MetPath and that more than a few of our industry giants came from such humble beginnings. If you own your performance and add value at every turn I am confident that you can soar to dizzying heights in our great new organization.