When are the layoffs coming?

Who is ZS? And analyzing past two weeks? State your source....

ZS angle also seems hard to believe. SUN has moved away from rental salesforces and thought they had more upside and control with in-house teams. Guess they are now rethinking their wisdom? ZS can massage any numbers and prove that they can save a buck. All based on projections and fiction. Unfortunately, no matter how ZS/SUN will set up a contract, all will have to again reinterview for their positions. This means more dead wood can be cut. The sales team will work just like the HUB until all of the kinks are worked out. Sets us back another year or more. Rental reps, rental management, rental benefits, ZS budget fleet cars, lots of new rules and procedures, limited vacation, lots of paperwork. The fun is just starting.

ZS angle also seems hard to believe. SUN has moved away from rental salesforces and thought they had more upside and control with in-house teams. Guess they are now rethinking their wisdom? ZS can massage any numbers and prove that they can save a buck. All based on projections and fiction. Unfortunately, no matter how ZS/SUN will set up a contract, all will have to again reinterview for their positions. This means more dead wood can be cut. The sales team will work just like the HUB until all of the kinks are worked out. Sets us back another year or more. Rental reps, rental management, rental benefits, ZS budget fleet cars, lots of new rules and procedures, limited vacation, lots of paperwork. The fun is just starting.

You stupid ass!
ZS is NOT a contract sakes company. They do sizing for pharma.

Restructuring already? Based on the number of calls I get from current Sun reps looking to get out I assume layoffs and a massive restructuring is near. Very near. It’s odd that as many as half of you are going to be out a of a job yet you complain on a thread about not getting the 5th off? Nobody gets the 5th off except a small hand full of progressive companies. Yet you bitch about it. You may want to find another job with one of those before you get canned.
You think Sun employees complain about stupid $HIT? Check out the Taro board.

There is no person of value left at Taro to cut. The next move is to move operational services into Princeton and lose all of the entitled nit wits from Westchester.
Yes, move them all to Princeton to work with the department that had one job to do and failed - ensure that all states had updated business licenses. You don't reward failure.

I think with all Ilumya TM resignations why fill them? Make surrounding territories bigger, bump salary, but adjust goals to be fair. Right now it’s the most unfair goals I’ve seen in any company. No need to backfill open slots. There are more resignations coming.

Will relocation be offered to the Taro folks?[/QUOTE

Relo to what? More of a different mindset than skill set. Taro displaced should apply but the days of a Relo are gone for most companies in this industry. And you gotta know where Sun sits with this kind of expense. Spend a few bucks out of your pocket and keep your career alive.