Looks like you have to learn to spell there Sherman. Now this is rich...."thier verbage"....looks like you need to go back to school and at least attempt to get an education. How exactly did you get this job? So you claim you made 100% to goal with your tiny producing territory. So whats that? 20 cases? LOL. You're a total joke. "100+ goal since they were assigned" = Loser (with a subpar work experience background) that got hired and assigned to an extremely low producing territory with very low growth expectations. Trust us, people are laughing at you not with you when they see you at meetings. Truth hurts. Go away you complete loser. In the end, it's you easy to psycho-analyze a simple mind like you.
This is how it really played out...
...so a complete loser applies for this job. With no comprehensible reason, he gets hired despite his complete lack of skills, lack of likeability, and lack of any remote past success. In short, the manager was morbidly desperate. They put this complete total moron in a very low producing territory that hadn't been covered in many months. The expectations for sales numbers were set very low and the idiot went out into the territory and only with the help of his manager and CAS director, he increased sales by one case a week. Wow! Suddenly he is a superstar! He grew by one case a week. With only one case, he grew his minuscule market share by 10% and now he thinks he is relevant. Compared to the other producing territories, his territory isn't even 5% of their total sales. He now checks Cafepharma multiple times a day trolling the board trying to justify why he is working at Mallinckrodt. No one in his district like him. In fact, they think he is a complete idiot but at least he makes everyone else look like brainiacs when he attempts to open his mouth and comment on something a meetings. In short, he is the butt of all the jokes at all the meetings. He also looks like a dork too. Truth.