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WHC RBMs running away from Women’s Health


The wheels are coming off in Women’s Health. 2 very talented and well-respected RBMs leave WHC in the last 2 weeks and I’m hearing that 2 other RBMs are interviewing internally outside the BU. OH Rbm bolted a few months ago after getting screwed for abd role.

Managers see Leadership up close & know that Libby, lisa f and Adam are hacks that are puppets for Lisa W and they are running for the hills.

When does Nelson’s plane land?


All of the RBM's that Lisa plants are hilarious. The new Nashville manager does 3 day ride-alongs and has those poor souls fill out spreadsheets before ride-alongs that takes hours to complete. Micro managing at its worst. Praying for that team! Lord help them keep their sanity. They will all leave and that manager won't hit quota for years.

The wheels are coming off in Women’s Health. 2 very talented and well-respected RBMs leave WHC in the last 2 weeks and I’m hearing that 2 other RBMs are interviewing internally outside the BU. OH Rbm bolted a few months ago after getting screwed for abd role.

Managers see Leadership up close & know that Libby, lisa f and Adam are hacks that are puppets for Lisa W and they are running for the hills.

When does Nelson’s plane land?
What 2 managers left? I know TS and FS are taking other internal jobs but who actually left? I can name several new ones that need to leave! Does Sebastian know the amount of talent that is leaving? All of you people that thought it was the best thing ever to have a woman lead WHC might rethink that decision. Clueless in New Jersey~~~~

3 day ride slings!!??! That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Also— all that busy work before ridealongs is a great way make sure reps are working on their computer instead of selling.

These ppl from J&J are clueless. And yet they are leaders.

All of the RBM's that Lisa plants are hilarious. The new Nashville manager does 3 day ride-alongs and has those poor souls fill out spreadsheets before ride-alongs that takes hours to complete. Micro managing at its worst. Praying for that team! Lord help them keep their sanity. They will all leave and that manager won't hit quota for years.

3 day ride slings!!??! That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Also— all that busy work before ridealongs is a great way make sure reps are working on their computer instead of selling.

These ppl from J&J are clueless. And yet they are leaders.

I wouldn't exactly call them leaders. You lead by example, respect and motivation. It appeared to improve after the POA but is quickly getting worse again. There is one problem and that is Lisa. Get rid of that poison and put someone in there that has leadership qualities. Put managers in place that aren't just kissing ass or trying to promote themselves and not their team (we know who that guy is) and you may see this bus turn around.

I wouldn't exactly call them leaders. You lead by example, respect and motivation. It appeared to improve after the POA but is quickly getting worse again. There is one problem and that is Lisa. Get rid of that poison and put someone in there that has leadership qualities. Put managers in place that aren't just kissing ass or trying to promote themselves and not their team (we know who that guy is) and you may see this bus turn around.

Bring back the manager 360 and save a butt ton of money by getting rid of the 3000000000000 ways we have to track our business that we don’t need. Is it just me our have our sales remained the same or gotten worse since we became Hubble obsessed. That is the only thing LW, AP, LH and LF know how to check.

4 INCREDIBLE managers have given notice in the past week. They have either left the company or going to new roles to get away from Adam, Libby, Lisa or Lisa. More to come soon. How can one woman destroy an entire division in 1 year????? WHY IS SHE ALLOWED TO DO THIS? Lisa will bring in more of her pharma buddies to aimlessly lead. Bonuses are paid so more will drop.

How many more managers need to leave the business unit or company before someone does something?! They weren't being heard, so now they have taken action. Action that will essentially hurt the business unit. Reps will have no reason to stay with the uncertainty of future management.

And how many future leaders and FST’s were passed over for the last 4 manager openings? This happened in Gulf Coast. Northeast, Chicago, and Florida regions. 3 of the 4 managers hired were from J&J. Many of those reps that were passed over have already left the company or are actively looking to get out. How many of the new RBM vacancies will be filled by more J&J people with no device or buy and bill experience?

If i were a betting man (which I am) I would say the Fl team will be getting a J&J manager soon. They are not stopping at managers the most recent reps are underplayed Jansen employees Just last week here in the NE we got a JJ rep with no experience.
NELSON maybe a restructure can easily get rid of all these JJ people... that will bring an immediate culture change!!! SPEAK UP PEOLPE

That would be the 2nd J&J manager hired in FL in 6 months. LF hired in October was promoted after 3 months on the job to the new SE ABD role. There is no way they would bring another one in now. I guess we will see...

Another RBM from LH area left this week! All RBMs are tired of playing the ‘yes’ game. None of them have been speaking up on conf calls for months because they had been ‘told’ what they have to make work. Dictatorship at its finest with our ABD/ J&J system.

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