Master's degree my rectum, lmao!! I too have a degree, from a well known university though. Did you say that in an attempt to intimidate me, or gratify your ego? Sorry, it didn't work. Your educational history is evident in your posts, especially to those with degrees. Only small minded, narrow thinking individuals believe they are better than others. I bet you acquired your so called "Master's Degree" from some "real school" online that has no credentials. You were probably just some jock in high school, picking on nerds because your biceps were your brains, which gave you a false sense of superiority, right? Your not-so eloquent and snobbish dialect has already concluded my theory regarding you lacking an education. Looks like my scientific mind and observational skills are exceptional compared to yours, Mr. Master's Degree in Molecular Pathology. Man, I'm astonished by my restraint, not one profanity and I'm still not finished, lol. With regards to being unsure if the poster meant to type "random"..yeah, "I think" I figured that out, just like you. Neither one of us are certain, are we? Did you notice how you contradicted yourself there? Sure you did, because you have a Master's Degree! Did you read the "Oh, stupid me" post? Yeah, you did. Because you became extremely sensitive after that for some odd reason. Are you menstruating? You may be suffering from septicemia because your tampon hasn't been changed in a few days? Or you might be defending yourself because of your incomprehensible post that nobody cared about. Even someone else said they "really don't think anyone gives a shit." Look, your arms are too short, and your words are too small to rival me. Shall I proceed? I know I said I would release the pressure from your neck if you answered that question, but you attempted to take a few jabs after my departure. So let the thoracic crushing commence. Revert back to a post that reads," I'm sure any lab is much better that has no affiliation with DGB." Now read what I was responding to and ask yourself, "was this worth defending?" You go on mention Bostwick only hires people like me, but you also say the lab is a "shit hole." To have knowledge of that would also suggest that you were hired by them as well, at some point in time. Wow, how ironic! In conclusion, you and every other guest now realize that you have no Master's Degree. Anybody can say they have something, but providing evidence is much harder. I didn't even have to grammar check, insult, or degrade you in any way to get my point across. So let's just end this quibble by agreeing that DGB sucks.
NERRRRD FIGHT!!!!!! This is awesome! Haven't seen one of these since high school. They sure don't make nerds like they used to, though. In my day this would have been a slap fight/fake karate match until someone broke their glasses! Everything is electronic these days I guess. We now just have to read about 'Poindexter' vs. "The 40 year old virgin" instead of watching them slap it out and make their own sound effects. Once you two douches are done cross dressing and masturbating to the latest Victoria Secret go ahead and debate who the better star trek captain is, Kirk, or Picard!! I'm off to pump up my biceps, drink a few, and spend some time with women that don't have to be inflated. Sit down Waldo!!!