What's with the pay around here?

just got my IC report card...I am going to make 47$ and a complete set of 2003 topps baseball cards. I didnt know TEVA did that...your turn to tell!

That is $47 more than I am getting. This is the first time in my 10 years as a drug rep that I have not received a bonus check. This is F'ing ridiculous, the goals are completely off the charts, and per one of my team mates if you are in a partnership territory, it is even worse as the goals were increased ~40% more the single rep territories. Looks like my kids are getting Aerochambers for Christmas this year.

That is $47 more than I am getting. This is the first time in my 10 years as a drug rep that I have not received a bonus check. This is F'ing ridiculous, the goals are completely off the charts, and per one of my team mates if you are in a partnership territory, it is even worse as the goals were increased ~40% more the single rep territories. Looks like my kids are getting Aerochambers for Christmas this year.

My kids are getting Breathesburg activity books for Christmas.

My kids are getting Breathesburg activity books for Christmas.

Good one. I guess I will have to go on Newman and order some more for my family! The goals here have become a bigger joke each year. I thought it was quite telling that in the email we got last week, only 10% of the sales force had gone to the new highly touted website. Seems no one is really motivated or cares right now.

Does anyone know what the real numbers are for the nation on both products? I keep hearing different numbers and the only number I have is on the IC report where it shows my national ranking. CC said something about the nation being at 95% of goal for Qvar, yet most that I talk to are in the 80-90% range.

Does anyone know what the real numbers are for the nation on both products? I keep hearing different numbers and the only number I have is on the IC report where it shows my national ranking. CC said something about the nation being at 95% of goal for Qvar, yet most that I talk to are in the 80-90% range.

The number one rep in our region is looking at $927 for Q3. This sucks!!!

CC seems like a straightshooter and a nice guy but isn't part of his job to make sure he has a competitive US salesforce that is duly compensated for the recent doubling of a 10 year old drug that works as good as any other drug in it's class??? Anyone can be a puppet to soften up the CRAZY expectations from Isreal but it takes more than suspenders to paint a REALISTIC picture to a homeoffice whose UNREALISTIC goals demotivate the salesforce. It's not the old Ivax reps who are producing these results. It's the reps from companies who were trained to sell and continued to sell because of competitive salaries and bonus. Isreal has seen INCREDIBLE recent growth in this old dog of a drug and is decreasing incentive to continue this trend. Is there any US leadership that is more than a mouthpiece? Bonuses will continue to decline and reps here will take it until the industry picks up again. Companies who reward growth reap success. Companies who refuse to acknowledge and fix their mistakes get reps who don't care and move on to companies who do.

I'll tell you who's making bonus dollars. It's the old IVAX reps! We are the ones with the longstanding relationships. Time in the territory goes a long way in creating credibility.
Many of us old IVAX'ers came from big pharma, and sold in the old pod scenerio. your previous experience and training does nothing for your success. Aggessive goals are not the entire picture here. The superiority that is central to your character is what is standing in the way of your potential success. It's always something or someone else's fault. The old IVAX'ers sold Qvar and Nasarel with NO MC coverage, no huge marketing machine, and no opportunity funds. We managed incredibily large geography's and drove our own cars. You managed to reveal your imaturity. Pat Iannuzi and Jim Cefalu ROCK!!

Hey CC or PW - can you have someone run the numbers on who's making money and who's not. My bet is the only people in the plus column are reps assigned new expansion territories that had shit baselines... No offense to those reps but it's alot easier to double 6 than it is 80. Take those territories out of the bell curve and see what you get for the reps that have been here working to get this product going.

I'll tell you who's making bonus dollars. It's the old IVAX reps! We are the ones with the longstanding relationships. Time in the territory goes a long way in creating credibility.
Many of us old IVAX'ers came from big pharma, and sold in the old pod scenerio. your previous experience and training does nothing for your success. Aggessive goals are not the entire picture here. The superiority that is central to your character is what is standing in the way of your potential success. It's always something or someone else's fault. The old IVAX'ers sold Qvar and Nasarel with NO MC coverage, no huge marketing machine, and no opportunity funds. We managed incredibily large geography's and drove our own cars. You managed to reveal your imaturity. Pat Iannuzi and Jim Cefalu ROCK!!

Sorry, although you made comment about personal responsibility that I agree with, the rest of your argument falls flat on multiple counts. I did a little homework after CC's conference call and found a large number of new reps (last hiring wave) that were relatively new to pharma, were making the largest bonuses in their respective areas. Many reps that have been in their region for years as top sole performers at other companies (not pod) are now making little or no bonus at Teva. A number of them stated that they had grown their baseline over 20% yet were nowhere close to goal. For drugs this far into their life cycles this is quite an achievement. This years goal setting seems to be "luck of the draw" and the goals took on a randomness that I have never seen before. Our only hope is that next year equilibrium will be established.

If you are hitting your goals, be thankful that your numbers were achievable. But, do not break your arm patting yourself on the back. Next year you may be the one on the wrong side of the numbers. I hope your post was just satire, but had to respond as I am sure some delusional reps or managers are actually espousing this crap!

Sorry, although you made comment about personal responsibility that I agree with, the rest of your argument falls flat on multiple counts. I did a little homework after CC's conference call and found a large number of new reps (last hiring wave) that were relatively new to pharma, were making the largest bonuses in their respective areas. Many reps that have been in their region for years as top sole performers at other companies (not pod) are now making little or no bonus at Teva. A number of them stated that they had grown their baseline over 20% yet were nowhere close to goal. For drugs this far into their life cycles this is quite an achievement. This years goal setting seems to be "luck of the draw" and the goals took on a randomness that I have never seen before. Our only hope is that next year equilibrium will be established.

If you are hitting your goals, be thankful that your numbers were achievable. But, do not break your arm patting yourself on the back. Next year you may be the one on the wrong side of the numbers. I hope your post was just satire, but had to respond as I am sure some delusional reps or managers are actually espousing this crap!

Thank you for confirming what a number of us were suspecting. Personally, this will be the worst of my 6 years with Teva for bonus, every year i could depend on at least hitting the 24 thousand mark. I hope you are wright about goals being more realistic next year. It kind of makes you lose hope after awhile....

TR brothers and sisters. Yes the goals are very very high. No I will not be making much in BONUS either. However, the word BONUS means something extra. Some of you have said that you will not have Christmas and you have been in Pharma for 10 yrs. and it is not fair, etc. etc., I will say to you that "YOU ARE LIVING ABOVE YOUR MEANS." I hate to hear people in the top 15% of wage earners in the country whine about not getting a bonus. If you have set your lifestyle around having to have a bonus to meet your bills, that is our fault. Go "Occupy Wall Street", you bunch of babies.

TR brothers and sisters. Yes the goals are very very high. No I will not be making much in BONUS either. However, the word BONUS means something extra. Some of you have said that you will not have Christmas and you have been in Pharma for 10 yrs. and it is not fair, etc. etc., I will say to you that "YOU ARE LIVING ABOVE YOUR MEANS." I hate to hear people in the top 15% of wage earners in the country whine about not getting a bonus. If you have set your lifestyle around having to have a bonus to meet your bills, that is our fault. Go "Occupy Wall Street", you bunch of babies.

Let me preface this by saying that I am very happy to work at Teva, and plan to always do the best I can. With that said, I think your argument is not entirely accurate and a bit "bi-polar" in its conclusions. First, when we interview for any pharma company, you base acceptance of your offer on the base + avg. bonus target (in our case 25,000). This gives us a benchmark from which we accept or reject the job offer. Many of us a starting families rely on this benchmark to determine if one parent can stay home with a newborn, etc. If the company radically moves the goal posts as they did this year, it changes the dynamic on multiple fronts. You then go on to make a statement about the top 15% earners in the nation. Whether this is true or not is a fallacious argument. By default, this job requires a four year degree just to apply (and many here have graduate degrees). This means we are looking at student loans approaching 100k before we even start working. So to compare us to those without formal schooling is "at best" disingenuous. I am moving closer each year to surviving on my base pay, however, it is still many years off.

Bottom line: We were told that the average national payout at goal is 25k. I spoke with someone in home office a while back about how the bonus program was setup. They are given a total budget for bonus payouts before the start of each year. The budget amount is set with the intent that 75% of the sales force would at least "meet" the goals for the year. Obviously some would make more and some less, but the mean payout at the 75th percentile would be 25k. Fast forward to this year, even with the adjustments just make (which help) the national average payout this year is projected to be 13,700. No, I cannot divulge where I got the number for obvious reasons. But all you have to do is ask around and you will see that their projections appear to be accurate. We we grow sales over 25% and this is the payout, then we have been mislead.

TR brothers and sisters. Yes the goals are very very high. No I will not be making much in BONUS either. However, the word BONUS means something extra. Some of you have said that you will not have Christmas and you have been in Pharma for 10 yrs. and it is not fair, etc. etc., I will say to you that "YOU ARE LIVING ABOVE YOUR MEANS." I hate to hear people in the top 15% of wage earners in the country whine about not getting a bonus. If you have set your lifestyle around having to have a bonus to meet your bills, that is our fault. Go "Occupy Wall Street", you bunch of babies.

What kind of crazy crap are you talking about? If you're not in sales to make a bonus, then go get a nice cush desk job and file papers.

guys-keep igt in perspective...we hardly lift a finger for the amt of work we"do"...i dont even call it work...the stereotype about pharma reps holds true...we are caterers...i am a pinnacle winner -multiple too and i know diseases states very well and am good at what i do...who cares about a bonus when - in realty this is a part time gig...sit back....listen to some good radio stuff....pray...meditate in your car...read some good mags...draaaag out the day and look at it different....

guys-keep igt in perspective...we hardly lift a finger for the amt of work we"do"...i dont even call it work...the stereotype about pharma reps holds true...we are caterers...i am a pinnacle winner -multiple too and i know diseases states very well and am good at what i do...who cares about a bonus when - in realty this is a part time gig...sit back....listen to some good radio stuff....pray...meditate in your car...read some good mags...draaaag out the day and look at it different....

Hey, you are brain-dead. Your supposed wins have been due to good formulary breaks. Is English your second language? You speak and spell like a Teva old-timer. Yes for you this is a good living because you are a taker socialist. Who cares if performance isn't rewarded and our COMMISSION is taken away little by little. You are the problem with our country. You suck the company tit so you are perfectly content to cater and not be paid for something you really worked for. The wool is pulled over your eyes with this socialist bs and you make sure it stays there. People like you hurt our country and company.

Catholic with seven kids vote repub hate unions hate welfare this gig is joke and so areall of us hint- the breakout mtgs what a joke joke of a gig love my 80k base tho and free gas free food too etc

Bottom line: We were told that the average national payout at goal is 25k. I spoke with someone in home office a while back about how the bonus program was setup. They are given a total budget for bonus payouts before the start of each year. The budget amount is set with the intent that 75% of the sales force would at least "meet" the goals for the year. Obviously some would make more and some less, but the mean payout at the 75th percentile would be 25k. Fast forward to this year, even with the adjustments just make (which help) the national average payout this year is projected to be 13,700. No, I cannot divulge where I got the number for obvious reasons. But all you have to do is ask around and you will see that their projections appear to be accurate. We we grow sales over 25% and this is the payout, then we have been mislead.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for confirming what many of us suspected. Please keep us posted on any other inside info that you get from HO. There will always be numb-nuts posting trash here but it is nice to see a few valid posts now and then.

To the above poster and all....this is the very nature of pharma and more importantly TEVA. I interviewed here and turned down the job because I could tell I was being mislead. The other person in the territory was lied to, and the other TEVA rep came from outside the industry and thought $55K was the golden egg so he was thrilled. TEVA has always been known as the pimps and the reps are the whores in this picture....not to be offensive, that's just the way it works. This company is run by cheap Heebs who are not in the business of overpaying anyone - in addition, they buy other companies and strip them down. I wish you all luck, and sorry to hear that my fears of taking this job have come true for you guys.

Catholic with seven kids vote repub hate unions hate welfare this gig is joke and so areall of us hint- the breakout mtgs what a joke joke of a gig love my 80k base tho and free gas free food too etc

80k base with Teva?!! Out of all your bs, this is the funniest lie. You could work at Teva for 20 yrs and not come CLOSE to that as a base. And every rep who has been here 5+ yrs knows that.

been here 7 yrs and maxed oout every year pretty much...from what my boss told me i have the highest base in company...made trip 3 times...have secure relations with all the right docs...decent coverage too...hardly have to lift a finger...your an idiot btw and you are way naive....the hardest part of my job is constantly fooling bosses and others into thinking i am actually working hard...i dont care if you believe or not...obviously i want out and cant stand the lack of work..