Most of us already know "the game" here. Either we've been targeted or one of our partners who doesn't deserve it has. Are some reps targeted justifiably? Yeah, of course. Set them aside and think about what we KNOW you know about managers and RDs acting like their taking action and addressing their lackluster results by DM targeting one or two of their reps at a time for LOCs that will inevitably lead to warnings and a target for termination. In ten plus years the numbers never get better after this scenario and the nightmare it brings to those targeted. You ask us to sell on evidence, efficacy, and outcomes. Where's the evidence to support what you a ** clowns are doing??? Are you above every bit of insight on sales management that's ever been published or recognized? Why? Check out what some real leaders think. Jobs, Gates, Lombardi, Wooden, Lincoln,'re above the most admired, respected, and effective leaders in history??? Smh