What's the deal with Thommen?

"Thommen has the WORST implant to abutment connection leakage in the industry. It's science, you can't argue it."

Yes I can.

So What, who cares ?

Want to match paychecks ?

Didn't think so. Don't forget another box of tinfoil for your new hat, and mom just shouted down the stairs, she wants you to mow the lawn and then shave her back again.

my moms back hair does not grow back that fast you jerk!

"If 140K makes you this bold then stay there."

Gee, thanks for your permission.

You should be OK though Right?

Those of us that are productive pay to let the government give the unproducive class 'refills' on the EBT-welfare soup kitchen cards this week so you can whoop-it-up at Wal-Mart for next month.

Ramen noodles on sale - better stock up. They leak too.

Anecdotal, no studies on the noodles, just funky BMs.

Very little MS and you will never have a lot. You can win over a few accounts and make a pretty decent living. Large territories so expect a lot of driving. Don't listen to the fools on here that will bash. Losers mostly post on this site.