What's it like @Axsome? Interviewing

Company is great. Stock is flying. Don't listen to the haters.
If “great” is defined by you as the company hitting their goals, but 2/3 of the salesforce not, by generics being added into your competitive market basket with absolutely horrible coverage and a multi step prior-authorization process for every plan, by executive management being completely out of touch with what the field needs to actually succeed than yes it’s great.

If you have no Pharma experience, you’ve been fired from your previous place of employment, you can fake calls and throw together some programs to appease management than your experience at Axsome will be “great”.

SFM, Make Axsome Great Again! Sounds about right.

Pay is generally in the 140s To start. Well below industry standards for a so called specialty role. Of course everything about this place breaths primary care so I guess 140s pay fits.