Wow, thats smart. Spend hundreds of thousands training new reps and DM's and take a dip in sales. Just to find out that it wasnt the DM or reps fault. The midwest is traditionaly a slow drug launch area. Give the midwest time and you will see a huge turn around. The conservative midwest mentality will catch on. When it does, watch out. I have seen this happen many times over my career. 1st year on the slow side. 2nd year in a launch you will see a majority of award winners from the midwest. Because of the nature of a conservative physician you will also see a larger mkt share overall compared to the rest of the country. If you clean house in the Midwest now, you are starting over. Relationships are huge.
Adam, I hope you think long and hard about this one. I would hate to see you make a large finacial mistake like this. I understand there will always be a person or 2 who might need to go, but when it comes to true numbers recognize the beast you are fighting before you make any major decisions.