I am interviewing here and reading through each thread. I have years of experience and in talks with multiple companies. Is this all true? Lawsuits, micromanagement, etc? Tell me something good because outside of it being contract, I was excited about this….
Read the thread about the longest interview process ever.
The expectation is that you have a detail sample call logged in before 9:30 am and your last one after 4pm regardless of how successful you are.
You will be constantly asked to submit a plan of action and outline how the specific providers you will see for that quarter and they will constantly monitor a report that shows how many times you got a detail only call, DETAIL ONLY WITH A SIGNATURE and detail only with sample, the only ones that matter are detail only with sample.
Also, you have to update the COVID access flag.
In your POA you will be asked to visit those providers 2 to 4 times per month you depending on your manager your list will have 20 or 50 providers that you will have to outline what your reach and frequency goal is for the month.
Next you will be asked for a budget tracker where all of your lunches for the quarter where be listed and also you will be required to spell out which providers are expected to be in attendance.
After you bust your ass you will be required to keep inventory of 5-20 different lot numbers of the products that you will be micromanaged on as well. Leave to little samples you suck, leave to many samples you suck don’t have 4 or sample event calls per day you suck. Just pray they do not promote prenatal vitamins.
Now on to the ICP we call this fedex compensation plan must collect 120 detail only signature calls to qualify and must get 2 per provider to receive the compensation.
Slynd you get a “base line” so if this quarter you get 1000 Trx next quarter you start getting paid on after TRX 1001, this is a joke.
Formulary coverage on these product is dog shit everything requires PA and your office will tell you and show you.
If you have other options do not take this job.
I could keep going I won’t.