Tell more please

Not sure what the person who posted the quote meant but my read is this: MG communicates vision all the time, except that it keeps changing all the time and changes depending who he's talking to or what consultant he talked to the day before. For a while some of us were keeping notes on the changes, but gave up when we lost track. Impossible to meet a vision that lasts only a few days when execution takes a long time. No clue as to what execution and change management means. Sweet time to shut this baby down.

certainly they look to be more present - less aware of business requirements. first job should be to cut off the supply of consultants for MG and see if he floats without his arm-bands.

as someone else said too many good people leaving/left

Interesting fact.
Of the 12 people in the original GPP LT announced with great fanfare just 2 years ago, only 2 are still there. And the same goes for the next layers. People have been bolting for the exit doors.

Interesting fact.
Of the 12 people in the original GPP LT announced with great fanfare just 2 years ago, only 2 are still there. And the same goes for the next layers. People have been bolting for the exit doors.

is this true..... ? Importantly then ...are the best two still here or the ones who have no place left to go.......

this thread needs renaming - diagnostics and it procurement don't seem to have this same reputation

Just one? Jee I saw that AS has about 50 - waster

AS is the village idiot. Talks and talks as if he knows everything but knows nothing. Can't believe MG let him build his useless and incompetent empire. Probably a way of hiding MG's own cluelessness. We are the laughing stock of groups everywhere, especially Finance.

Can you tell us more? We know it is a mess but have been completely in the dark and we need more information now. The bartender at the W is not up to date. Is anyone else plugged in?

ridiculous amount of needy begging go on in this thread...and we should spell it out for you here, as in publicly, why?

AS is the village idiot. Talks and talks as if he knows everything but knows nothing. Can't believe MG let him build his useless and incompetent empire. Probably a way of hiding MG's own cluelessness. We are the laughing stock of groups everywhere, especially Finance.

Shrek is clumsy but he pays us 50% more than we should be paid, why say anything?

Shrek is clumsy but he pays us 50% more than we should be paid, why say anything?

Yep, they are buying loyalty. Making huge promises, giving you fat raises and fat titles (beyond what we really deserve), making you think you are special and valued...then a few months later they (MG and AS) just chew you up and spit you out. Has been happening over and over and over. Be warned when they tap on your shoulder for "a great assignment"