What's going on a MicroPort?

What happened - Lack of spending oversight in all areas including Operations, Marketing and R/D. It should have been very clear in early September that a train wreck was coming. Most of the business units kept on hiring and spending.

What's going on now - China Guy walking asking a lot of questions.

What's going to happen soon - Hard to say how many and when, but its obvious to anyone that's paying attention the the China Guy will be helping the MicroPort Scientific exec's decide who stays and who goes.

Unfortunately. MPO's investment in ortho recon seemed promising after WMT neglected it for so long, and maybe it ultimately will be. It just seems more like the potential was wasted on unnecessary projects (renovations come to mind) and terribly mismanaged resources. We can all see it. I hope for the sake of all of us who rely on this place for our livelihoods that management sees it too, and turns things around, but I'm less than confident it can happen at this point.

Said to say but I agree - sales must get better or there's not much we can do besides watch every penny we spend and try to stay positive. Great place to work, but its fading away. Rumors abound that we cannot even pay our top suppliers.

Rumor is very real - week to week.

Word is the only vendors & creditors getting paid are the ones screaming for their money. Everyone else is being put off. Supposedly that's been true for a long time but it's getting worse. If things are really that bad there is no way the company can go on like that for long.

Word is the only vendors & creditors getting paid are the ones screaming for their money. Everyone else is being put off. Supposedly that's been true for a long time but it's getting worse. If things are really that bad there is no way the company can go on like that for long.

If any of our suppliers read these posts, they are going to not be to very happy to find out we got a decent bonus a few weeks ago. Heck even the folks responsible for the sales side of the business received bonuses!

maybe it's that I 've been laid off before...but you can't go around worried about this stuff. You dig in you fight you make money as long as they pay you and then you move on if it doesn't work out. it's not the end of the world unless you make it you world. I don't know I just don't see the doom and gloom here.

And PS can we quit talking about wright. we are microport now. I don't care about the past.

maybe it's that I 've been laid off before...but you can't go around worried about this stuff. You dig in you fight you make money as long as they pay you and then you move on if it doesn't work out. it's not the end of the world unless you make it you world. I don't know I just don't see the doom and gloom here.

And PS can we quit talking about wright. we are microport now. I don't care about the past.

QBR coming up. Hold on tight.

When channel departs on the 27th, it's Katey bar the door. You think the past layoffs have been bad? This next one's gonna be a bloodbath. You're gettin ready to see what ruthless truly means. You oughta read Brad Thor's latest novel "Act Of War". Will tell you everything you need to know about the folks running the parent company.

When channel departs on the 27th, it's Katey bar the door. You think the past layoffs have been bad? This next one's gonna be a bloodbath. You're gettin ready to see what ruthless truly means. You oughta read Brad Thor's latest novel "Act Of War". Will tell you everything you need to know about the folks running the parent company.

Channell leaving is a game changer for the overall culture at the company. Many people felt comfortable with the transition to MicroPort with him being there - thats all about to change.

All this talk of layoffs has taken a toll on the people on the floor as well. See alot of different emotions going on, everyone seems to be on edge not knowing if they will have a job from day to day. Management needs to step in and tell these good folks something and this time , the truth would be the best bet.

I am truly going to miss David C. He's always treated me with respect & friendship. I've always liked his positive attitude & outlook. He leaves 5677 a much better place for having been there. GodSpeed, DC.

Many people feel this way as well.

Yep. The most telling part is that he was there for decades and opted to get out Instead of sticking around for the new reality. He was there forever through all kinds of changes and bad situations but this mess and the people behind it were enough to make him leave. Not that I blame him, but sad and doesn't bode well for the future.

Yep. The most telling part is that he was there for decades and opted to get out Instead of sticking around for the new reality. He was there forever through all kinds of changes and bad situations but this mess and the people behind it were enough to make him leave. Not that I blame him, but sad and doesn't bode well for the future.

First will be reductions every couple qtrs, then start taking away benefits, freezing pay, etc. You know we are "spolied" Americans.