Whats a day in the ADAR role like?

There are way too many ADARs. Why do we have ARMs too? ADARs are overpaid and bring little value. It’s a joke that it’s an AD level role. They pretend to be working and take credit for everything.

What do they do all day? Many offices prefer to send to AIC? Sales builds the relationship? What’s a typical day for them?
Our ADAR claims to be working on things at a top level because of being an “Associate Director“ and then her own colleagues find out that she has been making things up. RD does nothing about it. Please let there be a reorganization and get rid of the dead weight.

There are way too many ADARs. Why do we have ARMs too? ADARs are overpaid and bring little value. It’s a joke that it’s an AD level role. They pretend to be working and take credit for everything.
This is true, the pretend to be working part. They call the reps when they need to pretend to know something about an account that still would be buying with or without them. They take credit, I guess it’s necessary to justify their job. And why is it considered a leadership role?

If reps create the demand the adars are busy. If. Your adar isn't working it's because you suck at selling.
Reps create the demand, many offices prefer to send out hence they do not need an ADAR, would you rather pay for the drug or send it out if it were your practice? Sure they can help get an office started with buying and billing, but so could a customer service number, or somone getting paid half of what they make.

If reps create the demand the adars are busy. If. Your adar isn't working it's because you suck at selling.
You aren't aware that there are three ways to acquire the drug, are you? If you have a problem with that, take it up with Victor, Dez, Duane and the boys. I hate to break it to you, but you can't blame the reps for everything.

Reps create the demand, many offices prefer to send out hence they do not need an ADAR, would you rather pay for the drug or send it out if it were your practice? Sure they can help get an office started with buying and billing, but so could a customer service number, or somone getting paid half of what they make.
So could a rep if anyone at Novartis knew what the hell they were doing in the buy and bill market. At other companies, reps do what ADARS do here. Unfortunately, 90% of Novartis, including our training department, still think Leqvio is a “prescription.”

If the office is sending to AIC, who helps the office to know what needs to be sent for Prior Auth?
My ADAR works with those offices too. However, I will say it’s a minority of my accounts. Novartis was foolish to encourage offices to send to AIC/ASOCs, and I built my territory as a buy and bill territory, just like I have with multiple other B&B products. Providers don’t know about “ASOCs” if we don’t tell them and most also already do buy and bill with other products.
My ADAR works hard.

If the office is sending to AIC, who helps the office to know what needs to be sent for Prior Auth?
Seriously? Is this a real question? The AIC, who ran the benefits verification, will tell them & likely help them negotiate the process. If Novartis was remotely serious about buy and bill they would have hired their own support team instead of contracting out, and they wouldn't have offered AIC as an option. Shockingly, they went cheap and stupid, and now you have this. Don't blame the M.D.'s and the reps for the fact that most AIC's are a way easier and highly professional option.

What do they do all day? Many offices prefer to send to AIC? Sales builds the relationship? What’s a typical day for them?
A typical day is spent wondering where the fuck I made a wrong turn in my career because I have to put up with a whole team of assholes who have no clue how to sell a specialty drug. You’re all a bunch of retail pharmacy drug reps. If your Adar isn’t busy it’s because you aren’t driving any business you stupid fuck. I wish they would send us to another division supporting a real fucking specialty sales force. Fuck

A typical day is spent wondering where the fuck I made a wrong turn in my career because I have to put up with a whole team of assholes who have no clue how to sell a specialty drug. You’re all a bunch of retail pharmacy drug reps. If your Adar isn’t busy it’s because you aren’t driving any business you stupid fuck. I wish they would send us to another division supporting a real fucking specialty sales force. Fuck
I’m a rep and I’m in agreement with you about most of my peers. The problem is Novartis can’t retrain them, because sales training doesn’t have a clue either. The only reps selling Leqvio are the ones who were trained by another company to sell buy and bill.