What you'd say to DH if you could!

You've got the heads rolling again. Always blame somebody else, right David? It's the Trump/claim-to-be-a-billionaire way that DH has always followed. Karma is such a bitch, ain't it boys?? Hahahahahahahaaaaaaa. Fools. I wonder how long it took the Captain of the Titanic to realize reality -- his ship was sinking? But that's not DH's fault. No it's the head of sales, the head of HR, is it the head of R&D's fault yet? If not...it soon will be. Bwwaaahaaahaaa. That's the one that is really playing you for the big uneducated fool you are proving yourself to be again and again, DH. Quarter after quarter of big losses. R&D spending out of control for years with NOTHING commercial to show for it. Way to erase the winning streak of years gone by! And way to show the world you were just lucky the first time with Advanced PCS. Do you see it yet, Captain? Foundation has sunk your battleship...no, actually you did. You willfully steered into an iceberg several years ago and have been taking on water ever since. There is one thing I will credit you with, you NEVER learn.