What will our Phun Phriend Phil think of next?

The FP alone speak volumes. Easy to cover up when you lie to physicians and patients. “Tests in door” mentality defeats mission to drive care and HELP PATIENTS. Stop milking payers, conning pts / providers / investors for a sub par test lacking quality control

The FP alone speak volumes. Easy to cover up when you lie to physicians and patients. “Tests in door” mentality defeats mission to drive care and HELP PATIENTS. Stop milking payers, conning pts / providers / investors for a sub par test lacking quality control

The down hill race in Onc led by the gang of frauds Steve Phil Basher LPS Solomon is fun to watch. Glad I sent my documents to clia. Keep focusing on Medicare. You put the noose on yourself

Another massive lab failure at what point do they just give up? The result of only funding more sales and not scaling has to be real fun. Good luck with more illegal billing scams to try and make profit Phil.