What will Mother Merck take away from us next?


WAAAAAAHHHHH My sense of entitlement trumps my sense of responsibility WWHHAHAHAHAHHHHHAAAAAAA
the little prince is wailing

Hey dumbass, the reason we work here is for compensation and benefits. When the company eliminates them then we should be concerned. It is not whining and it is not entitlement. It is the industry standard and right now we are lagging far behind. So go post your juvenile crap somewhere else.

Hey dumbass, the reason we work here is for compensation and benefits. When the company eliminates them then we should be concerned. It is not whining and it is not entitlement. It is the industry standard and right now we are lagging far behind. So go post your juvenile crap somewhere else.

yeah ok….so go try to replace this salary and benefits package. You won't be able to do it at 60%, guaranteed. Then come back and talk about juvenile crap. If you can do better, go do it.

ROFL. You're probably right.

First they took away the free coffee/tea. Then the grab n goes. Then our floating holidays. Our medical benefits suck for next year.

Next up... it'll cost us to park on site.

You willwakeup very shortly - the insurance benefit is beibg dropped early next year - you are going to the exchanges dumbass

Hey dumbass, the reason we work here is for compensation and benefits. When the company eliminates them then we should be concerned. It is not whining and it is not entitlement. It is the industry standard and right now we are lagging far behind. So go post your juvenile crap somewhere else.

Actually the other poster is correct.

If Merck does not offer the benefit package you like you can simply walk and work elsewhere.

If Merck is not up to par in the industry, you can exercise your "adult" rights and start shopping for a new place with "better" benefits to work at.

You willwakeup very shortly - the insurance benefit is beibg dropped early next year - you are going to the exchanges dumbass

What is with the "dumbass" remark?

I don't know which Merck you work for but the insurance benefit is not being dropped nor are we going to an exchange. The deductibles are rising, the copay is gone and the out of pocket max is rising.

Look in the mirror first before you start slinging dumbass around.

Take your bitterness out on those who made all the dumbass decisions.

1) Starting in December, TP will only be dispensed to VP level and higher. At Merck (aka "upside down world") wiping is a privilege, not a right.

2) All employees will be issued a large, geeky "Be Well" bumper sticker. Failure to proudly display said sticker on rear bumper of your vehicle will result in a written warning from Security and...you guessed it, your manager and your manager's manager will be notified. Needless to say, compliance (or non-compliance) with this critical process will be an important part of MyPimp "calibration". We're Merck, you little bitches. Arbitrary, douchey process is our middle name. That's how we roll yo.

3) All computer monitors to be removed and replaced with 12.1-inch screens, no exceptions. This was one of our VP's Black Belt projects. Has to do with Merck Sh!tma and cost-cutting. We don't expect you low-lives to understand the essence of this ancient, lethal martial art. Merck Sh!tma magic is why Merck is so successful today. We have so many Merck Sh!tma Black Belts now, we're going to rename Kenilworth to Ninja Palace and Rahway will be the Dragon Budokan. All VPs and up are to be addressed as "Sensei". Don't be playa-haters.

4) 401k matching will be provided only to those that throw a minimum of 4 colleagues under the bus during the course of the year. This annual metric provides entertainment value to the executives, much like the Colosseum did for the Romans. Most of you are only throwing 1-2 colleagues under the bus annually, so you will need to up your game if you expect us to match. If you throw NO colleagues under the bus, we will send you to the Kenilworth Ninja Palace mentioned above. We will have one of our expert Six Sigma Ninjas throw shooting stars at your head.

I feel bad for friends at bad companies and I feel lucky to work at Merck but the overall Merck compensation, future prospects and low morale are driving me closer to leaving and making less money.

Merck should get rid of pension next. Long term retention of employees is not needed in pharma.

I feel bad for friends at bad companies and I feel lucky to work at Merck but the overall Merck compensation, future prospects and low morale are driving me closer to leaving and making less money.

Merck should get rid of pension next. Long term retention of employees is not needed in pharma.

First, spouses won't be drivin around the company mobile in 18 mos. 401k remains at a higher matching rate but pension gone. They won't take away earned credit but the plan will stop. Bonus to change, no more flying under the radar and getting paid for 95% ppo. Those in a given district over 100% will share a $ pool accordingly. Those under100% for two consecutive years are subject to demotion (s2 to s1). No PIP offered after 1-1. Job shares to be eliminated and ramp up of Inventiv placements. The list goes on and on. I assure you this information is accurate but the timing is in the hands of top brass.

ROFL. You're probably right.

First they took away the free coffee/tea. Then the grab n goes. Then our floating holidays. Our medical benefits suck for next year.

Next up... it'll cost us to park on site.

I hate to break it to you but you still have great benefits - try buying health insurance outside of your cushy workplace - 1300.00 a month and huge deductible - no preexisting health issues.

Quit whining..........

I hate to break it to you but you still have great benefits - try buying health insurance outside of your cushy workplace - 1300.00 a month and huge deductible - no preexisting health issues.

Quit whining..........

Quit bullying. People have a right to express their opinion here. You are not the supreme chancellor of cafepharma. Check your ego before you attempt to check others.

The plan change to the retirement in 2019 opens the door to eliminating it all together.

Also next year the level of kickbacks from vendors will be greatly reduced at all levels below VP.


Just wait until 2015. You ain't seen nothin yet. By the time the 20% purge is complete, plus the sell off of the non human prescipt bidnisses, the exec comp will make even Fast Freddy be outraged.

That's what ALL companies want - people to work for less pay.

Of course, less pay means less ability to but stuff from said companies. That parts seems to escape the executive class of his country.

I feel bad for friends at bad companies and I feel lucky to work at Merck but the overall Merck compensation, future prospects and low morale are driving me closer to leaving and making less money.

Merck should get rid of pension next. Long term retention of employees is not needed in pharma.