What will Mother Merck take away from us next?

I say a small percentage doctors want the young ones. Some need to feed their aging ego. Flirting sessions with the rosebuds and stud muffins does it for them. Even though they could be their kids or grandkids! Its the opportunity that will make their day. Lucky for those of us with some greys these geezers are few in number...

You are so right. Some key docs would talk to me, an old geezer, as formal and scientific as possible. Everything by the book. Then my young and shapely young colleagues show up and they would close the door and chat with them forever. Some would go to special dinner clinical discussion dinner with them but never with me. :-(

You are so right. Some key docs would talk to me, an old geezer, as formal and scientific as possible. Everything by the book. Then my young and shapely young colleagues show up and they would close the door and chat with them forever. Some would go to special dinner clinical discussion dinner with them but never with me. :-(

Merck made the conscious decision to sell sex when they ran out of science back in the early '90s...

pretty much killed the job for the male gender, and paved the way for the deli tray crowd...

Pharma rep is no longer seen by management as a career, they just don't bother to tell the employee. Its an entry level job. Burn you out and use you up for 10-12 years then discard you before you become a health or fiscal liability. There are actuarial tables in HR somewhere for employees. At Merck if you haven't moved from pcp rep into speciality, management, hospital etc. then there must be something wrong with you and you're expendable. You're just a low impact message board, a placeholder because everyone else has a presence in offices so Merck has to be there too plus it gives the legion of managers something to do. Formularies rule so reps don't much impact prescribing decisions much which is true. Merck's arrogance tells them that their products are so good that anyone can sell them, which,of course is not true.
If you have any brains,talent,skills,ambition, or real training you should have exited pharma long ago.