What types of Salaries are being offered?

anyone know of a recruiter for texas?

I have been trying to get a job through ventiv online but i never get a callback. I have 8 years of pharma experience. Tricks to get a callback?

you shouldn't have to play any tricks. I have 4 years experience and I submitted online. i received an email the next day from a recruiter for a forest contract interview. It depends on the content of your years on the resume. Where are you located? NE? SW? MW?

I live in Austin, Texas. That sucks that eight years is too much. What salary requirement do you put? I feel like if you don't get that exactly right that they won't even consider you.

No not for suckers. These jobs are for people that cannot find any other type of work. I had to take a cso job or I was going to be on the street. It sucks but its for now.