WOW, I am in agreement with the post above. I was with Forest for 8 years as well. I put my heart and soul into this company. I have to say that unlike many of the posts on this thread, I would NOT say that Forest, in MY area, cared too much for the reps or had our best interest at heart. I almost laughed out loud (with no disrespect) at the post who said they saw 3 reps pushed out. I saw at least 3 pushed out of MY own territory in less than 3 years . It seemed to be the trend in my region. No matter who you were or how well you performed at one time or another, you were always going to be "bullied" by management when it was your turn. I saw some AMAZING reps get treated VERY poorly and maybe just because they had a "down" month or quarter. I stayed around for so long defending Forest because I honestly thought that being treated with such disrespect from management was going to be the same at all companies. Let me just say that it is NOT the same. Forest does beat the shit out of the competition when it comes to selling/marketing (and our training), but it is UNBELIEVABLE how they get away with the way they treat very GOOD talented people.....Good reps who put up with the "bad reputation" and bashing from "big pharma" Unfortunately, today's job market doesn't give anyone much of a choice, but speaking from experience, if you have an "out" TAKE IT. i guarantee your life will WILL sleep at night. You will look back and wonder how you gave your blood and guts to Forest for so long. Don't let them tell you how BAD you are or how what you do isn't good enough. Makes me sick for you guys going through it. I wish you the best.