What the h*ll is going on here?


Is it just me or have things gotten out of control here?
I have had so much pride in working at Forest for so long. I have always been so proud to work for a company that didn't advertise to consumers and didn't waste money in fruitless R&D. A company that took advantage of legal tax loopholes. A company that allowed their representatives to use their personaility and selling skills to move market share (within reason). A company that believes in ME! Little me who gives a crap, who wants to do well for the greater good. Who defend Forest to the "big" pharma reps who diss us. How does such a smart company not see that every bit of loyalty they have earned over the years is going down the toilet? Do they really not think the reps affect the bottom line? Forest has already burned the bridge they had with psychiatrists....well done. Gerard??? Dude, you know better....it may seem like it's all about Wall Street and you guys know how to work that. There's more to it, take care of the employees that believe in Forest and see what happens.

Is it just me or have things gotten out of control here?
I have had so much pride in working at Forest for so long. I have always been so proud to work for a company that didn't advertise to consumers and didn't waste money in fruitless R&D. A company that took advantage of legal tax loopholes. A company that allowed their representatives to use their personaility and selling skills to move market share (within reason). A company that believes in ME! Little me who gives a crap, who wants to do well for the greater good. Who defend Forest to the "big" pharma reps who diss us. How does such a smart company not see that every bit of loyalty they have earned over the years is going down the toilet? Do they really not think the reps affect the bottom line? Forest has already burned the bridge they had with psychiatrists....well done. Gerard??? Dude, you know better....it may seem like it's all about Wall Street and you guys know how to work that. There's more to it, take care of the employees that believe in Forest and see what happens.

I have never seen a pharma company like Forest turn off an entire therapeutic prescribing base like Forest has done to the Psychiatric community. Forest reps and the company are viewed lower than criminals by the entire mental health community. That is fucking pathetic, how does one company burn so many bridges? I have worked in CMS for 12 years and have never heard more hatred or disrespect for a group of reps in my career then how the Psych's view Forest. Unreal. Way to go Forest, just more fodder to solidify your reputation as the motel 6 of the industry.

wow....finally a string with a little heart and intellect...not just mindless bashing. I easliy could have written some of these posts myself. I can't speak for CMS and the psych community....saying we have turned them all off may be a little harsh...we certainly are not the first company to suddenly end promotion of a product as the patent comes close to expiring. But I absolutely agree that Forest is not doing a good job of holding the respect of long time employees who have for years - even decades - defended the Company. These employees advocate the Company to younger reps, and can speak of its history....adding thousands of American jobs and providing stability for those who come to work with energy and skill. But now (perhaps because of the Corporate Integrity Agreement) the Company treats everyone like a first year idiot. Even when the older reps look their manager in the eyes and says "hey, I understand you need to do what you need to do, but just level with me" the DM still spits out a bunch of Corporate lines (like we have never heard them before). It's ashame. I hope it changes...

wow....finally a string with a little heart and intellect...not just mindless bashing. I easliy could have written some of these posts myself. I can't speak for CMS and the psych community....saying we have turned them all off may be a little harsh...we certainly are not the first company to suddenly end promotion of a product as the patent comes close to expiring. But I absolutely agree that Forest is not doing a good job of holding the respect of long time employees who have for years - even decades - defended the Company. These employees advocate the Company to younger reps, and can speak of its history....adding thousands of American jobs and providing stability for those who come to work with energy and skill. But now (perhaps because of the Corporate Integrity Agreement) the Company treats everyone like a first year idiot. Even when the older reps look their manager in the eyes and says "hey, I understand you need to do what you need to do, but just level with me" the DM still spits out a bunch of Corporate lines (like we have never heard them before). It's ashame. I hope it changes...

If you cannot speak to the opinions of the psychs then you clearly do not work at Forest. This has very little to do with patent expiry. It is more about attitude and respect. Psych know that Forest reps are the bottom feeders on the pharma food chain and the interactions of these reps in their offices has left a trail of shit that can be smelt from coast to coast...

Pride is such an important part of what we do. There isn't instant gratification in this job. It's essential that a rep takes pride in what they do (please don't waste time and space bashing the position and industry, what's the point?), the medications they rep, and the company they represent. Without that how can someone stay motivated to do their best? Of course money is important but it's not about money on a call by call basis. Hardly any of these posts are about money. There is properly so much emphasis placed on attitude, but how can someone TRULY have the right attitude every day when they have been stripped of their pride, input of any kind, creativity, ability to trust their managers (or anybody), and even their ability to talk to their colleagues? We aren't even allowed to ask questions!

The docs can see the fear in our eyes and hear the desperation in our details. Is this the image Forest wants to present? Hello marketing? Hello? Anyone there who hasn't had a lobotomy? Ask the docs if they remember that on your next questionnaire.

I couldn't agree with all the above posts more. Having worked at Forest for some time now it really really saddens me how things have changed. I remember that when people used to ask about my job (inside pharma or outside) my answer would always be the same... that I truly loved my job and loved working for a company that took such good care of their reps. I always felt that Forest stood out in terms of always doing whatever they could to take care of us and if something was off or could be made more fair to benefit us they would change whatever needed to be changed. My feelings now sadly are beyond the exact opposite, and I hate how much I resent this company I once really loved. I get that the economy is bad and "we should be lucky to have a job at all" but when you treat the driving force of revenue and livelihood like garbage only bad things can come from it. At this point it's also very clear that the company is having an almost witch-hunt and going after people with the highest salaries. It definitely is beyond screwed up and makes you not only fear for your own security as the days pass but makes me sick to see it happen to the people around me. I get if someone is dead-weight and checked out and just needs to go but focusing on hard working people who have performed well time and time again solely because they have a high salary is not only illegal but beyond unethical. I wonder if the people above that are doing this have a hard time sleeping at night knowing that money means more to them than their own sense of ethics, dignity, and humanity. I'm a strong believer that you should do onto others as you would want done to you and for everyone involved in this I'm sure that one day karma will come back to haunt you. I'd like to not only send my thoughts out to everyone who is going or has gone through this witch-hunt but also encourage everyone to post if this is happening to you or someone you know. Having seen a few people go through it it's clear management tries to keep everything on the hush but I really think this is only furthering the problem because they can do their unethical deeds in the dark and get away with this.

Going through it. Wish I could say more. Very high base, almost double the starting rep salary. I couldn't agree more with your post. It's very sad. Forest is part of who I am. I want to love Forest again and it wouldn't take much. Believing in myself and sleeping at night is more important than any job. I'd rather be broke than live this life as a sellout.

Going through it too. Getting bullied by my DM or quite some time. Ive been here 11 years. My DM has either fired or bullied out 3 reps. I'm the only one left on the team with experience. Everyone else has less than 4 years.

Going through it. Wish I could say more. Very high base, almost double the starting rep salary. I couldn't agree more with your post. It's very sad. Forest is part of who I am. I want to love Forest again and it wouldn't take much. Believing in myself and sleeping at night is more important than any job. I'd rather be broke than live this life as a sellout.

Agree with this and all other posts. I am going thru it as well and it has been absolute hell!
Been with Forest for 11 years and used to love the company and my job. The stress, sleepless nights, and bullying have been a nightmare!

I went through it. However it was the best thing to happen to me looking back. It sucked going through it. But I ended up seeing the signs early and started the job hunt. I landed with a much better company that respects their reps and working for a manager that rocks. My DM too forced out 4 reps putting then through bullshit. But just know the two was you can fight back are to go to HR or find another job and have your choice heard in the online exit interview.

There are better opportunities out there. If you believe in yourself do something about your situation and take those opportunities in front of you. You will be so happy you did and the bitter feelings will ease over time.

I too went thru a lot of the same shit and was bullied, pushed and threatened to the point where I had to have therapy. The constant lies on my evals and the wish wash answers my Dm would give me about my selling style and performance. I was with forest for just over 4 years and like many I was a true believer and loved the company. It was about the money but I was having fun everyday! After the constant shit above started happening there was no way out. It became worse and even though I didnt give up I was defeated! Put on depression pills(LX), sleeping pills, and was doing therapy. I was let go after a while and put on the streets with a family and two kids. Had enough saved to survive a few months but got really lucky and scored a job in a different industry. The base pay is less and not as many perks but I will make more money by years end then my shitty ass up and down bonus checks. My boss doesnt micromanage me, allows me to work my own schedule, if I have personal shit I do it, no stress, pretty much lets me run my own business as long as my numbers show. Oh wait! Isnt that what sales is all about? Bottom line is that life is better lived out of pharma in general. Forest has changed and will continue. Not everyone in this company is an asshole but several are killing the motivation that is left in the good reps. Im not asking for sympathy but to ask that you get your resume polished up and get the hell out of the industry. Its not the same and worse at forest! Good luck to the people that are being pushed out. Life on the other side

I too went thru a lot of the same shit and was bullied, pushed and threatened to the point where I had to have therapy. The constant lies on my evals and the wish wash answers my Dm would give me about my selling style and performance. I was with forest for just over 4 years and like many I was a true believer and loved the company. It was about the money but I was having fun everyday! After the constant shit above started happening there was no way out. It became worse and even though I didnt give up I was defeated! Put on depression pills(LX), sleeping pills, and was doing therapy. I was let go after a while and put on the streets with a family and two kids. Had enough saved to survive a few months but got really lucky and scored a job in a different industry. The base pay is less and not as many perks but I will make more money by years end then my shitty ass up and down bonus checks. My boss doesnt micromanage me, allows me to work my own schedule, if I have personal shit I do it, no stress, pretty much lets me run my own business as long as my numbers show. Oh wait! Isnt that what sales is all about? Bottom line is that life is better lived out of pharma in general. Forest has changed and will continue. Not everyone in this company is an asshole but several are killing the motivation that is left in the good reps. Im not asking for sympathy but to ask that you get your resume polished up and get the hell out of the industry. Its not the same and worse at forest! Good luck to the people that are being pushed out. Life on the other side

What industry to you make the switch to? I am fed up with the industry and this company as well. I just dont think the industry is a good move long term and Forest is making us do way too many spreadsheets and other useless tasks that take me a couple of hours each night to complete. I have a family that gets upset when I'm stuck doing all the useless Forest tracking sheets and other stuff every night. And they are useless unless someone has found a spreadsheet that has actually sold some pills.

What industry to you make the switch to? I am fed up with the industry and this company as well. I just dont think the industry is a good move long term and Forest is making us do way too many spreadsheets and other useless tasks that take me a couple of hours each night to complete. I have a family that gets upset when I'm stuck doing all the useless Forest tracking sheets and other stuff every night. And they are useless unless someone has found a spreadsheet that has actually sold some pills.

I'm a new hire with Forest as of 2010. Replaced a rep that was pushed out before me. Thought that the rep was probably just taking advantage of the company and not really working, but after doing my own digging with offices and others it seems the rep was doing their job, but there was some kind of personaility conflict with them and the hiring DM, who also hired me, hence they were pushed out. I'm so disgusted with this company already and it's only been less than a year. I'm sitting here at my computer tonight with so much on my plate. I worked a 12 hour day today (out the door at 7 a.m. not home till 6:45) and a 10 hour day yesterday. That's just driving and office time and doesn't include paperwork after work. I was up late doing "assignments and spreadsheets" last night. I've had an RST ride with me and assign me work. Our specialty rep is on my case all the time about numbers. My DM never has an end to his assignments. The new product studying and tests, plus still new hire assignments!!! Just keeping up with the assingments is a job in and of itself. I can't believe how much joy has been sucked out of my life. I get out every day and do my job. I detail the docs, bring lunches to the offices, try to bring meaning and passion to what I do. I know I'm making impact and getting scripts because it shows in my numbers. But none of that matters apparently unless I get these stupid assignments done. I'm ahead of the nation in my Savella scripts, but do you think my DM cares? He doesn't seem to. He only harps on meaningless stuff all the time. During ride alongs he makes a fool of me and insists that I do a full 3 product detail using each MVA on EVERY call, regardles of if I'm sitting, standing or look like a complete ASS. After the call we get in the car and he details every little thing he thinks I've done wrong. I feel like I've been employed by the gestapo, like I can never really relax and just feel like I've done an honest day's work. I've worked in other industries and can honestly say that this company is really backward. I feel like I'm the enemy. That if I don't have some special power to make my providers prescribe these drugs every time they write any script that I'm somehow not doing an honest day's work. I feel myself slipping into a depression and am not sure how to get help. I don't have time to stop and figure it out. Just have to keep moving. My family is depending on me, and I have nowhere else right now. I hope things look up soon.

I'm a new hire with Forest as of 2010. Replaced a rep that was pushed out before me. Thought that the rep was probably just taking advantage of the company and not really working, but after doing my own digging with offices and others it seems the rep was doing their job, but there was some kind of personaility conflict with them and the hiring DM, who also hired me, hence they were pushed out. I'm so disgusted with this company already and it's only been less than a year. I'm sitting here at my computer tonight with so much on my plate. I worked a 12 hour day today (out the door at 7 a.m. not home till 6:45) and a 10 hour day yesterday. That's just driving and office time and doesn't include paperwork after work. I was up late doing "assignments and spreadsheets" last night. I've had an RST ride with me and assign me work. Our specialty rep is on my case all the time about numbers. My DM never has an end to his assignments. The new product studying and tests, plus still new hire assignments!!! Just keeping up with the assingments is a job in and of itself. I can't believe how much joy has been sucked out of my life. I get out every day and do my job. I detail the docs, bring lunches to the offices, try to bring meaning and passion to what I do. I know I'm making impact and getting scripts because it shows in my numbers. But none of that matters apparently unless I get these stupid assignments done. I'm ahead of the nation in my Savella scripts, but do you think my DM cares? He doesn't seem to. He only harps on meaningless stuff all the time. During ride alongs he makes a fool of me and insists that I do a full 3 product detail using each MVA on EVERY call, regardles of if I'm sitting, standing or look like a complete ASS. After the call we get in the car and he details every little thing he thinks I've done wrong. I feel like I've been employed by the gestapo, like I can never really relax and just feel like I've done an honest day's work. I've worked in other industries and can honestly say that this company is really backward. I feel like I'm the enemy. That if I don't have some special power to make my providers prescribe these drugs every time they write any script that I'm somehow not doing an honest day's work. I feel myself slipping into a depression and am not sure how to get help. I don't have time to stop and figure it out. Just have to keep moving. My family is depending on me, and I have nowhere else right now. I hope things look up soon.

wow...powerfully said and probably all too true. All I can say is things hopefully will get better when you and your manager have built a mutual respect. I do realize that is hard with some managers. But regardless, the amount of Admin expected is unbelievable. There used to be a time when the company knew it would get 4o-45 hours/week of selling time, 2-3 hours of weekly admin, plus a few dinners per month from each rep. But now they want 45+ selling hours, several nights of evening work, and occasional dinner programs, too. One dniner every other week has been replaced by 4-5 hours of busy work, new product training, assignments, surveys, etc....and that doesn't count the day to day call reporting and weekly expenses reports. It's tragic....

I'm a new hire with Forest as of 2010. Replaced a rep that was pushed out before me. Thought that the rep was probably just taking advantage of the company and not really working, but after doing my own digging with offices and others it seems the rep was doing their job, but there was some kind of personaility conflict with them and the hiring DM, who also hired me, hence they were pushed out. I'm so disgusted with this company already and it's only been less than a year. I'm sitting here at my computer tonight with so much on my plate. I worked a 12 hour day today (out the door at 7 a.m. not home till 6:45) and a 10 hour day yesterday. That's just driving and office time and doesn't include paperwork after work. I was up late doing "assignments and spreadsheets" last night. I've had an RST ride with me and assign me work. Our specialty rep is on my case all the time about numbers. My DM never has an end to his assignments. The new product studying and tests, plus still new hire assignments!!! Just keeping up with the assingments is a job in and of itself. I can't believe how much joy has been sucked out of my life. I get out every day and do my job. I detail the docs, bring lunches to the offices, try to bring meaning and passion to what I do. I know I'm making impact and getting scripts because it shows in my numbers. But none of that matters apparently unless I get these stupid assignments done. I'm ahead of the nation in my Savella scripts, but do you think my DM cares? He doesn't seem to. He only harps on meaningless stuff all the time. During ride alongs he makes a fool of me and insists that I do a full 3 product detail using each MVA on EVERY call, regardles of if I'm sitting, standing or look like a complete ASS. After the call we get in the car and he details every little thing he thinks I've done wrong. I feel like I've been employed by the gestapo, like I can never really relax and just feel like I've done an honest day's work. I've worked in other industries and can honestly say that this company is really backward. I feel like I'm the enemy. That if I don't have some special power to make my providers prescribe these drugs every time they write any script that I'm somehow not doing an honest day's work. I feel myself slipping into a depression and am not sure how to get help. I don't have time to stop and figure it out. Just have to keep moving. My family is depending on me, and I have nowhere else right now. I hope things look up soon.

this sounds about right- leave while you still have your sanity!

I'm a new hire with Forest as of 2010. Replaced a rep that was pushed out before me. Thought that the rep was probably just taking advantage of the company and not really working, but after doing my own digging with offices and others it seems the rep was doing their job, but there was some kind of personaility conflict with them and the hiring DM, who also hired me, hence they were pushed out. I'm so disgusted with this company already and it's only been less than a year. I'm sitting here at my computer tonight with so much on my plate. I worked a 12 hour day today (out the door at 7 a.m. not home till 6:45) and a 10 hour day yesterday. That's just driving and office time and doesn't include paperwork after work. I was up late doing "assignments and spreadsheets" last night. I've had an RST ride with me and assign me work. Our specialty rep is on my case all the time about numbers. My DM never has an end to his assignments. The new product studying and tests, plus still new hire assignments!!! Just keeping up with the assingments is a job in and of itself. I can't believe how much joy has been sucked out of my life. I get out every day and do my job. I detail the docs, bring lunches to the offices, try to bring meaning and passion to what I do. I know I'm making impact and getting scripts because it shows in my numbers. But none of that matters apparently unless I get these stupid assignments done. I'm ahead of the nation in my Savella scripts, but do you think my DM cares? He doesn't seem to. He only harps on meaningless stuff all the time. During ride alongs he makes a fool of me and insists that I do a full 3 product detail using each MVA on EVERY call, regardles of if I'm sitting, standing or look like a complete ASS. After the call we get in the car and he details every little thing he thinks I've done wrong. I feel like I've been employed by the gestapo, like I can never really relax and just feel like I've done an honest day's work. I've worked in other industries and can honestly say that this company is really backward. I feel like I'm the enemy. That if I don't have some special power to make my providers prescribe these drugs every time they write any script that I'm somehow not doing an honest day's work. I feel myself slipping into a depression and am not sure how to get help. I don't have time to stop and figure it out. Just have to keep moving. My family is depending on me, and I have nowhere else right now. I hope things look up soon.

Join the club loser, this is the tenure that Frx prides itself on. Hire the most replaceable kool aid drinkers, pay them the industries lowest salary and tell them they are lucky to work for the motel 6 of pharma. When the rep catches on, fire them or they will quit on their own and then repeat the process.....that is what forest does, better then any other company and hires and promotes the right DM's the most easily influenced and dumbest to carry out these marching orders. It is all too typical of forest to read your post. Get a set of stones and go find a real company and get a clue!

I'm a new hire with Forest as of 2010. Replaced a rep that was pushed out before me. Thought that the rep was probably just taking advantage of the company and not really working, but after doing my own digging with offices and others it seems the rep was doing their job, but there was some kind of personaility conflict with them and the hiring DM, who also hired me, hence they were pushed out. I'm so disgusted with this company already and it's only been less than a year. I'm sitting here at my computer tonight with so much on my plate. I worked a 12 hour day today (out the door at 7 a.m. not home till 6:45) and a 10 hour day yesterday. That's just driving and office time and doesn't include paperwork after work. I was up late doing "assignments and spreadsheets" last night. I've had an RST ride with me and assign me work. Our specialty rep is on my case all the time about numbers. My DM never has an end to his assignments. The new product studying and tests, plus still new hire assignments!!! Just keeping up with the assingments is a job in and of itself. I can't believe how much joy has been sucked out of my life. I get out every day and do my job. I detail the docs, bring lunches to the offices, try to bring meaning and passion to what I do. I know I'm making impact and getting scripts because it shows in my numbers. But none of that matters apparently unless I get these stupid assignments done. I'm ahead of the nation in my Savella scripts, but do you think my DM cares? He doesn't seem to. He only harps on meaningless stuff all the time. During ride alongs he makes a fool of me and insists that I do a full 3 product detail using each MVA on EVERY call, regardles of if I'm sitting, standing or look like a complete ASS. After the call we get in the car and he details every little thing he thinks I've done wrong. I feel like I've been employed by the gestapo, like I can never really relax and just feel like I've done an honest day's work. I've worked in other industries and can honestly say that this company is really backward. I feel like I'm the enemy. That if I don't have some special power to make my providers prescribe these drugs every time they write any script that I'm somehow not doing an honest day's work. I feel myself slipping into a depression and am not sure how to get help. I don't have time to stop and figure it out. Just have to keep moving. My family is depending on me, and I have nowhere else right now. I hope things look up soon.

young pup-time to reup on the orange koolaid