What roles should be impeached at Sun?

As a Corp goal, we’ve not hit the Levulan number since I’ve been here, 18-24 months.
So why are Tom, Ron and a few other managers still here ?

it’s interesting bc in any other organization, they’d be gone. Ron definitely has the keys to the closet of skeletons which could really bring the house down.

Wow, Musgrove must suck... left went to an industry leader in Cancer Diagnosis testing..just got promoted a few months ago. Get your facts straight, he may not have a degree but was one of the best managers I ever had, cared about my success and also held me accountable. College degree or not. they guys sold more PDT than anyone during his stretch as a rep also averaged light sale almost monthly..

No doubt there are emails and meeting notes about things that have been swept under the carpet.
What positions should get a subpoena?
Wow, what a great thread title and WTF, this just resurfaces after a few years ?
Anyway, I’ll put my two rupees in for whatever it’s worth:

1. AG
2. Anyone associated with Levulan pricing and contracts
3. As stated, Ilumya marketing. ‘Nuff said.
4. Anyone in HR / hiring
5. As stated, C.E. D. ‘Esquire’ from way back. Self-proclaimed Compliance Queen, among other things.