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What Roche Legacy Reps Will Miss The Most.....


Gotta tell you, I was part of the first group separated in January 2011. That is absolutely correct, I don't miss the egos throughout the organization and the constant posturing. Good luck to everyone in this second wave, hang in there, it's not the end of the world. Take all of the good training you've been provided and go succeed somewhere else.


iPhone & Macs!

Jeans at BU meetings!

Casual intensity!

Side hobbies being embraced by this culture!
It's going to be so sad missing out on hearing GTechies brag about how smart they are, and act like they invented pharma. It's going to be awful not hearing everybody talk about the great culture here, and bitch about it all day long when they aren't on stage. It's going to be a huge blow missing out on watching douche bags who have never sold become RSD's and NSD's to get them ready for higher level roles, and clearly not caring about how toxic they are to the people they lead. I'm going to miss leadership that makes me feel like crap about everything I do. I'm also going to miss hearing about how I need to move to SF or else I'm I'm a useless piece of garbage. But most of all, I'm going to miss the Avastin reps-those that are god's gift to pharma. Those folks who can't get into offices, have no competition to deal with, but get huge bonuses and thumb their noses at the rest of the company. It's going to be horrible not getting to wear jeans any more!

It's going to be so sad missing out on hearing GTechies brag about how smart they are, and act like they invented pharma. It's going to be awful not hearing everybody talk about the great culture here, and bitch about it all day long when they aren't on stage. It's going to be a huge blow missing out on watching douche bags who have never sold become RSD's and NSD's to get them ready for higher level roles, and clearly not caring about how toxic they are to the people they lead. I'm going to miss leadership that makes me feel like crap about everything I do. I'm also going to miss hearing about how I need to move to SF or else I'm I'm a useless piece of garbage. But most of all, I'm going to miss the Avastin reps-those that are god's gift to pharma. Those folks who can't get into offices, have no competition to deal with, but get huge bonuses and thumb their noses at the rest of the company. It's going to be horrible not getting to wear jeans any more!

My brother you are on fire. I sick and tired of hearing about do i want to be a short fat tree or tall tree - just leave me the fuck alone and let me sell.

I left years ago. Apparently from this blog nothing has changed at DNA except I am in a better place and not having my ego deflated by a group of over-educated yuppie larvae.

From small minds, come small pricks!

It's going to be so sad missing out on hearing GTechies brag about how smart they are, and act like they invented pharma. It's going to be awful not hearing everybody talk about the great culture here, and bitch about it all day long when they aren't on stage. It's going to be a huge blow missing out on watching douche bags who have never sold become RSD's and NSD's to get them ready for higher level roles, and clearly not caring about how toxic they are to the people they lead. I'm going to miss leadership that makes me feel like crap about everything I do. I'm also going to miss hearing about how I need to move to SF or else I'm I'm a useless piece of garbage. But most of all, I'm going to miss the Avastin reps-those that are god's gift to pharma. Those folks who can't get into offices, have no competition to deal with, but get huge bonuses and thumb their noses at the rest of the company. It's going to be horrible not getting to wear jeans any more!

Wow, this is the best summary of the Genentech experience I've heard! Totally sums it up.

It's going to be so sad missing out on hearing GTechies brag about how smart they are, and act like they invented pharma. It's going to be awful not hearing everybody talk about the great culture here, and bitch about it all day long when they aren't on stage. It's going to be a huge blow missing out on watching douche bags who have never sold become RSD's and NSD's to get them ready for higher level roles, and clearly not caring about how toxic they are to the people they lead. I'm going to miss leadership that makes me feel like crap about everything I do. I'm also going to miss hearing about how I need to move to SF or else I'm I'm a useless piece of garbage. But most of all, I'm going to miss the Avastin reps-those that are god's gift to pharma. Those folks who can't get into offices, have no competition to deal with, but get huge bonuses and thumb their noses at the rest of the company. It's going to be horrible not getting to wear jeans any more!

LOL! Genentech reps, think they're God's gift to Pharma? Pharma?? Especially Avastin reps? You're way off base on that one. They'd much rather think of YOU as God's gift to pharma.

I think I am going to miss the annual corporate buzz word lingo that we get at the NSM. I am going to miss changing my password every few months for company sites I never go to anyway. I am really going to miss networking with my Gcounterparts; the ones who could care less if I live or die. They are the same ones who feel "We are getting a raw deal on this Boniva thing, can't they find something for you to do, just not a part of my drug".
What I will truly miss is the feeling we used to have of a good days work selling meaningful products to customers who cared. We have all had a lot to endure the last two years, and it is way past time to be put out of our misery. Give us the severance we have all worked for and deserve and let us get on with our lives. There are way better days ahead for all of us.... AFTER Genentech. They never wanted us here!!!!!!!!

I think I am going to miss the annual corporate buzz word lingo that we get at the NSM. I am going to miss changing my password every few months for company sites I never go to anyway. I am really going to miss networking with my Gcounterparts; the ones who could care less if I live or die. They are the same ones who feel "We are getting a raw deal on this Boniva thing, can't they find something for you to do, just not a part of my drug".
What I will truly miss is the feeling we used to have of a good days work selling meaningful products to customers who cared. We have all had a lot to endure the last two years, and it is way past time to be put out of our misery. Give us the severance we have all worked for and deserve and let us get on with our lives. There are way better days ahead for all of us.... AFTER Genentech. They never wanted us here!!!!!!!!

You are a whiny fucking bitch who will never be happy about anything.
Too bad you weren't severed 1 1/2 years ago and someone who could appreciate Genentech was kept.
Actually, just about everything you just said doesn't make a damn bit of sense or is wrong. (almost as if you haven't worked here for years, if ever)

You are a whiny fucking bitch who will never be happy about anything.
Too bad you weren't severed 1 1/2 years ago and someone who could appreciate Genentech was kept.
Actually, just about everything you just said doesn't make a damn bit of sense or is wrong. (almost as if you haven't worked here for years, if ever)

You are such a professional. You are why the industry is declining with respect to sales reps!!!

I think I am going to miss the annual corporate buzz word lingo that we get at the NSM. I am going to miss changing my password every few months for company sites I never go to anyway. I am really going to miss networking with my Gcounterparts; the ones who could care less if I live or die. They are the same ones who feel "We are getting a raw deal on this Boniva thing, can't they find something for you to do, just not a part of my drug".
What I will truly miss is the feeling we used to have of a good days work selling meaningful products to customers who cared. We have all had a lot to endure the last two years, and it is way past time to be put out of our misery. Give us the severance we have all worked for and deserve and let us get on with our lives. There are way better days ahead for all of us.... AFTER Genentech. They never wanted us here!!!!!!!!

First of, speak for your self. I want them to drag their feet for as long as want; that means more paychecks and a bigger severance package for me. 2nd, stop whining like a red headed step child about "they never wanted us". "THEY" are ROCHE, based in Basel Switzerland, "Jean"entech is just a fncy brand name for ROCHEUSA, and no longer exists as a corporation. We were wanted and needed, as long as there was a drug for us to sell. There is no primary care bias , or specialty bias. THERE IS A MONEY BIAS, and right now there is none to be made in PC, with generically available Boniva as the only product.

You worked, and you made lots of dough. You will now meet the fate of anyone in a similar circumstance, you will be fired. This is not unique, "Specialty" reps, "biotech" reps, all reps are being fired by the boat load, in all companies. If AVASTIN were to become generically available, every single one of those reps would be canned, just like you will be.

It's going to be so sad missing out on hearing GTechies brag about how smart they are, and act like they invented pharma. It's going to be awful not hearing everybody talk about the great culture here, and bitch about it all day long when they aren't on stage. It's going to be a huge blow missing out on watching douche bags who have never sold become RSD's and NSD's to get them ready for higher level roles, and clearly not caring about how toxic they are to the people they lead. I'm going to miss leadership that makes me feel like crap about everything I do. I'm also going to miss hearing about how I need to move to SF or else I'm I'm a useless piece of garbage. But most of all, I'm going to miss the Avastin reps-those that are god's gift to pharma. Those folks who can't get into offices, have no competition to deal with, but get huge bonuses and thumb their noses at the rest of the company. It's going to be horrible not getting to wear jeans any more!
This is still the best post I've ever read about the gjerks!