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What percent of your calls are in person versus virtual?

None of my calls are virtual. In person only
Can't wait to give them the sad sad news that next April they will have to use an app to talk to the company. Or call a sweatshop to talk to some muzzie immigrants that Albert saved from Kabul. This company has its head so far up its ass it can't tell the difference between shit and French fries

None of my calls are virtual. In person only
Can't wait to give them the sad sad news that next April they will have to use an app to talk to the company. Or call a sweatshop to talk to some muzzie immigrants that Albert saved from Kabul. This company has its head so far up its ass it can't tell the difference between shit and French fries

Why do you hate Capitalism? You must be a Socialist leftist.

99 to 1. But it’s been like that since May. I never went back virtual in August. Fig they called it a voluntary return to the field so that’s what I did. So funny how it’s now mandatory. This company lost what little credibility it had with that 5pm email. It proved that everything they were telling us was a big lie and for what? I still don’t know the motivation for it. It made us look weak and it gave the impression that our vax didn’t work with our customers.
Has to be one of the dumbest things this company has ever done and I’ve been here a long time.

I want my severance and I want this to be over. I'm morally bankrupt after years of lying about calls, lying about what I do everyday, and taking my manager to the same doctors for 10 plus years so they can justify their job and I can justify mine. This past year sitting at home made me realize that changes are desperately needed.

I want my severance and I want this to be over. I'm morally bankrupt after years of lying about calls, lying about what I do everyday, and taking my manager to the same doctors for 10 plus years so they can justify their job and I can justify mine. This past year sitting at home made me realize that changes are desperately needed.

This is my life. I know people think that this is the best job, but what they don't understand is that a lot of us no longer feel like valuable, functioning human beings. I have done the same thing you mention, every day, for more than 10 years. It is Groundhog Day every day, month, year, and I hate the feeling every day that I am just a mindless piece of the machine. The lies, the fake smiles to the doctors, to my boss, to the company, just to keep a paycheck wears on you over time. I know people are going to comment that I should just leave, but it's not that easy. The pandemic has definitely made me evaluate this "career" path I have chosen and now, I am trying to figure out how to move beyond this industry and this mindless job.

I want my severance and I want this to be over. I'm morally bankrupt after years of lying about calls, lying about what I do everyday, and taking my manager to the same doctors for 10 plus years so they can justify their job and I can justify mine. This past year sitting at home made me realize that changes are desperately needed.

this post just gave me life. Been feeling this way too. Only problem is where else are we gonna work that pays us the same or even close?