What on Earth? Certain Biogen Employees here are so stupid


Remarkable how individuals don't understand the concept of compliance, staying off social media, and bias perception. My spouse is in compliance at another pharmaceutical company and we can't believe there are actual ALZ Biogen employees that have commented on the cms.gov public review site and used their actual names! What an absolute dumb move and it hurts the standing for Biogen and will not be appreciated my CMS. CMS will research each source that is posted and instantly will find out these came from Biogen employees. Those that did this are absolutely imbeciles. Regardless how you feel, perception rules and this actual damages Biogen's standing.


Remarkable how individuals don't understand the concept of compliance, staying off social media, and bias perception. My spouse is in compliance at another pharmaceutical company and we can't believe there are actual ALZ Biogen employees that have commented on the cms.gov public review site and used their actual names! What an absolute dumb move and it hurts the standing for Biogen and will not be appreciated my CMS. CMS will research each source that is posted and instantly will find out these came from Biogen employees. Those that did this are absolutely imbeciles. Regardless how you feel, perception rules and this actual damages Biogen's standing.

Saw that. Management is on constant review of each post and I was stunned to see names I recognized. Ignorant career move.

Remarkable how individuals don't understand the concept of compliance, staying off social media, and bias perception. My spouse is in compliance at another pharmaceutical company and we can't believe there are actual ALZ Biogen employees that have commented on the cms.gov public review site and used their actual names! What an absolute dumb move and it hurts the standing for Biogen and will not be appreciated my CMS. CMS will research each source that is posted and instantly will find out these came from Biogen employees. Those that did this are absolutely imbeciles. Regardless how you feel, perception rules and this actual damages Biogen's standing.

Sadly, I can believe it. There are reps here with nothing better to do than troll CP and social media. I have no idea why but some of our colleagues want to stay seated on this sinking ship, hoping for a different outcome- an outcome that will never come. I used to think these people were eternal optimists. Now I am convinced they are just idiots.

Who else do they think is going to leave the promised flood of positive Adu comments? The alz association, the minority of healthcare providers, friends and fans of Biogen science and pricing, And? And?

They would probably be better off letting Lilly advocate for the class.

— Two House committees applauded the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for its decision to cover the controversial Alzheimer’s therapy only for patients enrolled in an agency-approved randomized controlled trial.

“We applaud the agency for striking a balance between the need for Alzheimer’s patients to access treatment with the need to gather more evidence on the treatment’s safety and efficacy through clinical trials,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-N.J.) and Maloney, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform chair, wrote in a letter to CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure on Thursday.

Who else do they think is going to leave the promised flood of positive Adu comments? The alz association, the minority of healthcare providers, friends and fans of Biogen science and pricing, And? And?

They would probably be better off letting Lilly advocate for the class.

No one, that’s who. Anyone with half a brain and some sense of ethics wants this piece of crap pulled from the market.