what is up with our helpless desk?!

HA-HA -- I used to work in G&A IT. Nearly everyone (90+%) was replaced or left in that department. The VP was bragging about the turn-over rate during his town-hall ppt. Back then, WE were supposedly the PROBLEM.

Now the PROBLEM is CAP.

Buddy -- the problem WAS and IS you...

Why does the head of IT check in the morning and afternoon to see who is in their seats?
Yet, he takes off the earliest chance he can.

Seriously, how many hours do you put in at work? Maybe if you were serious about your job you would move closer to work and stop complaining about your long commute.

It'd be nice to do some work from home without IT problems.
Why does CORP IT suck so bad?

Get your act together Northbrook.

Yeah, speaking for IT, it would be nice to have decent leaders in IT who know how to prioritize and stop wasting money so we can focus on the SLAs with the business.

But these yahoos are too busy patting themselves on the back and busily talking about sports and pop culture. They don't sound like typical IT geeks - do they? Geeks actually know IT, we need to get rid of these schmoozers and bring in some geeks that understand IT is a service to the business not a frat house.

Corp IT are a bunch of under-performing boneheads.
They act like a mafia and have a huge budget and yet miss all their dates and give crap service. They appear successful because they group together to cover-up their mistakes.
Successful only at perception, not reality. A lot of lies going on. If this weren't a Japanese Company with little over-sight, these idiots would be gone.

No different than any other dysfunctional department at Astellas. Complete idiots! It's just more obvious because we all really on technology to do our jobs and spend half our working days on-line waiting for IT to fix their own mess. It's all a big joke!

Pls be careful, astellas Northbrook IT monitors everything ಠ_ಠ

Don't get on their radar. Who do you think helps find the dirt for HR/Legal?

Anyway, no change will happen to this group unless KO't gets the ax.

Pls be careful, astellas Northbrook IT monitors everything ಠ_ಠ

Don't get on their radar. Who do you think helps find the dirt for HR/Legal?

Anyway, no change will happen to this group unless KO't gets the ax.

Holy cow - look at how the people viewing Astellas' thread just tripled!!!

Don't be stupid -- never use Astellas' phone or laptop to access cafepharma etc.

freaking little IT wieners.