What is the total number of reps and managers cut across the USA?

It has been said here many times before, Pharma has been in denial for years and continues to believe in a failed and totally outdated sales model with Sales Reps reporting to a DM and a DM reporting to a RM and an RM reporting to a CM and a CM reporting to an NM and an NM reporting to a VP and on and on it goes. And none of it matters. NONE OF IT. And the worst part is that the everyone knows that it is a huge and expensive charade. But those in management rely on sustaining this incredible lie for their jobs. And so it continues even though even our customers have told us they would reward us if we would just stop the insanity. One rep with all products and the ability to sample an office based on the office requests instead of flooding them with useless crap. They might start to see us again.

Best and most accurate post I have seen in quite some time. But here's the irony of the matter: if we cut down to the number in the field that we actually need, we would lose a tremendous amount of money for support resources, marketing, training, etc. There is a symbiotic relationship between agencies like ZS Associates, HayGroup, the army of ad and PR agencies, and the home office.

Soo….the big charade with the fat field force and bloated marketing budgets is used to keep this crappy, out dated business model afloat. Look around you. Sanofi has swapped Diabetes heads and Sales Presidents as often as some of us swap shoes. Pfizer has had, what 3 or 4 CEOs in 12 years. How many Presidents of Sales and CEO has GSK had in 8 years?

Best and most accurate post I have seen in quite some time. But here's the irony of the matter: if we cut down to the number in the field that we actually need, we would lose a tremendous amount of money for support resources, marketing, training, etc. There is a symbiotic relationship between agencies like ZS Associates, HayGroup, the army of ad and PR agencies, and the home office.

Soo….the big charade with the fat field force and bloated marketing budgets is used to keep this crappy, out dated business model afloat. Look around you. Sanofi has swapped Diabetes heads and Sales Presidents as often as some of us swap shoes. Pfizer has had, what 3 or 4 CEOs in 12 years. How many Presidents of Sales and CEO has GSK had in 8 years?
Because none of these "leaders" stick around long enough to be accountable for their piss poor decisions.