What is the total number of reps and managers cut across the USA?


Maybe you won't, but someone out there knows. Maybe since everyone is anonymous if you use your cell phone, somone will tell us the truth.

I am just curious more than anything.

What difference does it make? This is just phase 1 with 3 more phases to come. It is only going to get uglier from here.

Displaced people get a spread sheet with ages of all of those displaced. It'll have total number. (for discrimination purposes). Can't remember if it has gender or race data with it. I few years ago when I got mine the ages were all over the board.

I remember getting the printout of the demographics as well in 2012. Didn't count up the number of who self-ID, or those laid off. Believe it or not, senior/pension reps were not targeted. The ones laid off will get the same printout. I am willing to bet, that this one was smaller than most people think. Pascal has promised $1.5 billion in cuts in SG&A, and this won't put much of a dent in that number.

To the survivors, you took in a deep sigh of relief when your phone call was good news, or your TA was exempt. Now, you will drift back into a make-believe state of security and complacency. Oh, you will think from time to time, that you need to rethink your employment at AZ, but being so busy and all, you will think to yourself you can deal with that later. 2017 will be a much different year than 2016. Very likely a major reduction in sales will take place. 99.99% of you will do absolutely nothing to prepare for it. For many, that will be a costly mistake.

I remember getting the printout of the demographics as well in 2012. Didn't count up the number of who self-ID, or those laid off. Believe it or not, senior/pension reps were not targeted. The ones laid off will get the same printout. I am willing to bet, that this one was smaller than most people think. Pascal has promised $1.5 billion in cuts in SG&A, and this won't put much of a dent in that number.

To the survivors, you took in a deep sigh of relief when your phone call was good news, or your TA was exempt. Now, you will drift back into a make-believe state of security and complacency. Oh, you will think from time to time, that you need to rethink your employment at AZ, but being so busy and all, you will think to yourself you can deal with that later. 2017 will be a much different year than 2016. Very likely a major reduction in sales will take place. 99.99% of you will do absolutely nothing to prepare for it. For many, that will be a costly mistake.

Agreed that $1.5B was not hit (even close). However, we are hearing CV will be affected later this year, CNS will absolutely be hit after S-XR goes away. Personally, I don't think PCP will get hit much more. Even though they probably don't need the SoV, they think they do especially w/ the launch of Bevespi, the injectable coming and the triple therapy.
Diabetes got hit this time and may very well get hit again. Giving drug away isn't a great way to support a sales team.

Agreed that $1.5B was not hit (even close). However, we are hearing CV will be affected later this year, CNS will absolutely be hit after S-XR goes away. Personally, I don't think PCP will get hit much more. Even though they probably don't need the SoV, they think they do especially w/ the launch of Bevespi, the injectable coming and the triple therapy.
Diabetes got hit this time and may very well get hit again. Giving drug away isn't a great way to support a sales team.

It has been said here many times before, Pharma has been in denial for years and continues to believe in a failed and totally outdated sales model with Sales Reps reporting to a DM and a DM reporting to a RM and an RM reporting to a CM and a CM reporting to an NM and an NM reporting to a VP and on and on it goes. And none of it matters. NONE OF IT. And the worst part is that the everyone knows that it is a huge and expensive charade. But those in management rely on sustaining this incredible lie for their jobs. And so it continues even though even our customers have told us they would reward us if we would just stop the insanity. One rep with all products and the ability to sample an office based on the office requests instead of flooding them with useless crap. They might start to see us again.

It has been said here many times before, Pharma has been in denial for years and continues to believe in a failed and totally outdated sales model with Sales Reps reporting to a DM and a DM reporting to a RM and an RM reporting to a CM and a CM reporting to an NM and an NM reporting to a VP and on and on it goes. And none of it matters. NONE OF IT. And the worst part is that the everyone knows that it is a huge and expensive charade. But those in management rely on sustaining this incredible lie for their jobs. And so it continues even though even our customers have told us they would reward us if we would just stop the insanity. One rep with all products and the ability to sample an office based on the office requests instead of flooding them with useless crap. They might start to see us again.

Totally agree! Same sales model is kept because their positions also rely on it. We should ask the providers what they would like to see and support them. That is the point, right.

Totally agree! Same sales model is kept because their positions also rely on it. We should ask the providers what they would like to see and support them. That is the point, right.

DM's/RSD should serve as pharmacy calls, speaker programs, KOL as personal accounts (accountability). Would require more travel, but would also keep DM's in the field daily.

Shake up the model

It has been said here many times before, Pharma has been in denial for years and continues to believe in a failed and totally outdated sales model with Sales Reps reporting to a DM and a DM reporting to a RM and an RM reporting to a CM and a CM reporting to an NM and an NM reporting to a VP and on and on it goes. And none of it matters. NONE OF IT. And the worst part is that the everyone knows that it is a huge and expensive charade. But those in management rely on sustaining this incredible lie for their jobs. And so it continues even though even our customers have told us they would reward us if we would just stop the insanity. One rep with all products and the ability to sample an office based on the office requests instead of flooding them with useless crap. They might start to see us again.

Don't ever see one rep w/ all products. Time w/ customer is fleeting. Maybe three products, tops. Even then, the tertiary product will be a lit drop and that is if the rep isn't too lazy. If they are, no tertiary call even though their call reporting will reflect there is. Still the same old dance w/ Stairway to Heaven as the last song.

Don't ever see one rep w/ all products. Time w/ customer is fleeting. Maybe three products, tops. Even then, the tertiary product will be a lit drop and that is if the rep isn't too lazy. If they are, no tertiary call even though their call reporting will reflect there is. Still the same old dance w/ Stairway to Heaven as the last song.

Sending 6 reps into an office than won't see one rep is the definition of insanity. Now consider that in one month we could have 6 different sales reps told they can't see a single physician and let's say they had their DMs with them, then that would be 12 people who totally wasted their time and that could happen 24 to 30 times per month considering the call cycle. Offices tell us they don't see reps, any reps, so our response is, "well then we need to send in even more people." That is going to really make the office staff happy, right?

I remember getting the printout of the demographics as well in 2012. Didn't count up the number of who self-ID, or those laid off. Believe it or not, senior/pension reps were not targeted. The ones laid off will get the same printout. I am willing to bet, that this one was smaller than most people think. Pascal has promised $1.5 billion in cuts in SG&A, and this won't put much of a dent in that number.

To the survivors, you took in a deep sigh of relief when your phone call was good news, or your TA was exempt. Now, you will drift back into a make-believe state of security and complacency. Oh, you will think from time to time, that you need to rethink your employment at AZ, but being so busy and all, you will think to yourself you can deal with that later. 2017 will be a much different year than 2016. Very likely a major reduction in sales will take place. 99.99% of you will do absolutely nothing to prepare for it. For many, that will be a costly mistake.

People, we had all better take seriously the above post, because it describes 99% of us left. Pascal reset the layoff clock again for some time in 2017. It has to be much worse than the one we just experienced, and I don't blame them. We lie about most of our calls, because there are way too many reps still trying to get in with the same product. They could easily get rid of 50% of the remaining sales force. It's going to happen.

It has been said here many times before, Pharma has been in denial for years and continues to believe in a failed and totally outdated sales model with Sales Reps reporting to a DM and a DM reporting to a RM and an RM reporting to a CM and a CM reporting to an NM and an NM reporting to a VP and on and on it goes. And none of it matters. NONE OF IT. And the worst part is that the everyone knows that it is a huge and expensive charade. But those in management rely on sustaining this incredible lie for their jobs. And so it continues even though even our customers have told us they would reward us if we would just stop the insanity. One rep with all products and the ability to sample an office based on the office requests instead of flooding them with useless crap. They might start to see us again.

This is why you are a rep. You aren't there for the Dr's benefit, you are there for AZs. Clinically you couldn't handle all the products. SO you'd be a compliance liability. Plus when you start to wander through the day bsing to all and sundry, they'll be left with a bigger vacancy after they let you go.

This is why you are a rep. You aren't there for the Dr's benefit, you are there for AZs. Clinically you couldn't handle all the products. SO you'd be a compliance liability. Plus when you start to wander through the day bsing to all and sundry, they'll be left with a bigger vacancy after they let you go.

Compliance risk???? Bruhahahahaa.... Nobody talks clinicals with a physician any longer. If we are lucky we get that sample signature and a product name mentioned, "thank you Dr. for using Crestor." That is it and then we record whatever we need to to make our numbers and keep our manager happy. They lie too so we support each other in this circle jerk.