What is the Rotech Difference? Fact or fiction

Rotech created this atmosphere of "US vs THEM. Underpay those who actually do all the work while celebrating worthless sales reps who do nothing but annoy doctors offices to collect points for equipment they need anyway is a sure recipe for resentment.
Doesn't exactly foster a feeling of team does it?
It's so nice to sit there in the morning meetings discussing points when you don't get shit except more work for those points

Doesn't exactly foster a feeling of team does it?
It's so nice to sit there in the morning meetings discussing points when you don't get shit except more work for those points
Yeah, ain't it great to go out at 9pm for a set up after already working 10 hours that day and knowing the POS sales rep who is home in bed will get all the credit and compensation for your hard work.
Yeah, that fosters a sense of comraderie doesn't it? They get overpaid to go home and take naps all day while the location does the work.

Yeah, ain't it great to go out at 9pm for a set up after already working 10 hours that day and knowing the POS sales rep who is home in bed will get all the credit and compensation for your hard work.
Yeah, that fosters a sense of comraderie doesn't it? They get overpaid to go home and take naps all day while the location does the work.
I don't mind the work even after a long day but it does seem uneven giving so much compensation to the SR for a product that sells itself and giving nothing to the guy who goes out at 9pm to set it up ( and let's not talk about overtime since those hours are being "flexed" off at most locations because the company is on life support)

I don't mind the work even after a long day but it does seem uneven giving so much compensation to the SR for a product that sells itself and giving nothing to the guy who goes out at 9pm to set it up ( and let's not talk about overtime since those hours are being "flexed" off at most locations because the company is on life support)

Overpaid sales rep? You should not even have a job. Without your sales rep you would not have a job. If it's such a cushy job why didn't you apply? Or if you did why weren't you hired? I can tell you why you just aren't good enough. You are a driver.

Overpaid sales rep? You should not even have a job. Without your sales rep you would not have a job. If it's such a cushy job why didn't you apply? Or if you did why weren't you hired? I can tell you why you just aren't good enough. You are a driver.
Some drivers moved on high up in management, like Steve Pace for example.
Rotech sales people are the used car lot rejects.

Overpaid sales rep? You should not even have a job. Without your sales rep you would not have a job. If it's such a cushy job why didn't you apply? Or if you did why weren't you hired? I can tell you why you just aren't good enough. You are a driver.
Oh paleeeez stop being so dramatic you lazy skank. So you are too weak to be a driver and too stupid to be a CSR? What's your point?
I suppose the patient whose O2 sats are 79% at rest has a choice huh? Yeah it's so hard to sell O2 to someone whose life depends on it lmao. Get over yourself
Funny we haven't had a sales rep in over two years and we are always hearing shit for all the overtime doing setups after hours.. alllll without a parasite sales rep eating away at the EBITDA

He was a sales rep dum dum. Selling you idiots isn't easy. It's not easy selling a crap service that a fat lazy driver provides. Can't you drive faster?
He was a sales rep huh? Well no wonder this company is circling the proverbial drain.. yet you have the temerity to blame the location for your lack of sales accumen.

Overpaid sales rep? You should not even have a job. Without your sales rep you would not have a job. If it's such a cushy job why didn't you apply? Or if you did why weren't you hired? I can tell you why you just aren't good enough. You are a driver.
How long will it take for you to be out on your lazy ass if the DME that you sell ( a term I use loosely ) if the hard working folks at the location just ignored every order that you are taking credit for?
Yeah that's right... do it all yourself!

Some drivers moved on high up in management, like Steve Pace for example.
Rotech sales people are the used car lot rejects.
Lmao yeah they couldn't make it selling cell phone accessories at the mall kiosk so they latched on like the ticks they are to a company ran by morons who put so much importance on those who do the least amount of work ( taking a nap all day can't be that hard )
As soon as the morons figure out that they are not getting a reasonable return for their investment most of the SR will be let go....

Lmao yeah they couldn't make it selling cell phone accessories at the mall kiosk so they latched on like the ticks they are to a company ran by morons who put so much importance on those who do the least amount of work ( taking a nap all day can't be that hard )
As soon as the morons figure out that they are not getting a reasonable return for their investment most of the SR will be let go....
You can't really blame them.. if the company is willing to pay a bloated salary to do so little then why not?
We don't have a sales rep position but I wish we did so I could get on that gravy train but our numbers are good and we stay busy so chances are it won't happen because our LCM is on top of things

You are nothing but a driver admit it. If you had more self worth you would make more than 13/hour. But you don't. You are a grunt and nothing more. Quit trying to put down those that are more successful, have more self worth, and are....well.....better than you.

And quit talking to yourself. Looking at the timing of your posts it's quite obvious.

You are nothing but a driver admit it. If you had more self worth you would make more than 13/hour. But you don't. You are a grunt and nothing more. Quit trying to put down those that are more successful, have more self worth, and are....well.....better than you.

And quit talking to yourself. Looking at the timing of your posts it's quite obvious.
If only you knew as much as you think you know.. I personally know 3 people who get on here and we text each other when we do.. but you just keep cherry picking your responses because you lack the mental capacity to form a rebuttal to the things you know are true. Now go back to your nap

If only you knew as much as you think you know.. I personally know 3 people who get on here and we text each other when we do.. but you just keep cherry picking your responses because you lack the mental capacity to form a rebuttal to the things you know are true. Now go back to your nap

Oh wow mr driver has texting buddies. Other drivers! Oh no they might strike!

Go for it you are a dime a dozen. We will hire immigrants to do your job it's so easy.

Oh wow mr driver has texting buddies. Other drivers! Oh no they might strike!

Go for it you are a dime a dozen. We will hire immigrants to do your job it's so easy.
Wow, so you are arrogant and a racist? To suggest that the job is so easy that even an immigrant can do it reveals alot about you. Immigrants are stupid huh? Wow just wow
Geesh the hardest decision you have to make on a daily basis is to what...spit or swallow?
Lol hell you lack the intellect to argue with a " driver " ( you assume too much and accurate speculation is NOT an attribute you possess ) but you believe yourself to be superior to the folks at your location who do all the work so you can get your bloated salary.
Smh no wonder there is so much animus on this board when asshats like you use terms like driver or CSR as a pejorative. I imagine there are some sales reps in large markets whose efforts and positive attitude benefit the company but I would be willing to bet your sorry ass ain't one of them.
You may resume your nap now honey, or whatever a sniveling little twit does when she is not proving how professional she is by arguing with the " little people" on this site. Klan meeting maybe?

Wow, so you are arrogant and a racist? To suggest that the job is so easy that even an immigrant can do it reveals alot about you. Immigrants are stupid huh? Wow just wow
Geesh the hardest decision you have to make on a daily basis is to what...spit or swallow?
Lol hell you lack the intellect to argue with a " driver " ( you assume too much and accurate speculation is NOT an attribute you possess ) but you believe yourself to be superior to the folks at your location who do all the work so you can get your bloated salary.
Smh no wonder there is so much animus on this board when asshats like you use terms like driver or CSR as a pejorative. I imagine there are some sales reps in large markets whose efforts and positive attitude benefit the company but I would be willing to bet your sorry ass ain't one of them.
You may resume your nap now honey, or whatever a sniveling little twit does when she is not proving how professional she is by arguing with the " little people" on this site. Klan meeting maybe?
Dude, some valid points but this idiot pretending to be a sales rep probably has the attention span of a 3 year old and was distracted by something shiny after the first few sentences. You wasted your time