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what is the difference b/n a DCS and DCA

Can I ask you guys a question? I'm not a Rep, but my wife is.

Now, she brought home a gift basket that she was going to give to an office. I don't know why she didn't end up giving it to them, but she didn't. Anyway, I opened it up and sampled some of the "goodies". Lemme tell ya, to my way of thinking, she did herself one helluva huge favor by NOT giving that awful pile of CRAP to that office!

I mean I can just see the staff in that office checking out that basket and saying "That Novo Rep brought that shit in here! That'll be the last time SHE ever gets in here!" I would think that if the Lilly Rep or the Pfizer Rep showed up with a gift basket that was worth eating, then they'd be the ones who would hold sway with them office cows.

So that's my question. Does the quality of the food Rep's provide offices with make any damn difference as to which Rep's get access and which ones don't? My wife says I'm full of shit and that I don't know what I'm talking about. I said "Oh yeah? I'll show you! I'll ask the cafe pharma crowd what THEY think!" Teach that woman not to mess with me!!

And one more thing. If those office cows are anything like ME, then they'd have thrown that humongus pile of DUNG in the trash! Which is what I'm gonna do right after the holidays! Lord knows that horrific pice of garbage will still be here by then.... The kids sure as hell wont eat it. Nobody in their right mind would.

And to that investor who was worried about his investment in NVO, C'mon Man! Don't you know Rep's aint nuthin but glorified caterer's with a whoppin' big paycheck?? Sheeeee-it! My girl sure cant pick out gift baskets for shit, but does she ever bring the bacon home! If you get my drift....

Put yourself in the office staff's shoes. If it's a Gold office, every freakin' rep (and sometimes their manager) comes in with some doodad, undercover gift, or gift basket during holiday season. The office staff has been spoiled to expect this. Patients often complain to doctors and nurses about the high price of certain meds, so they know who is making large profits off of the meds. They have come to expect quid pro quo: you're making a ton of money off of this office, so ya better hook us up.

If your wife has been around long enough, she should have developed a relationship with enough staff to get the real low-down. Tell her to ask THEM.

That didnt take long, now did it? And Thanks pardner, but you sure as shit didnt answer my question! I dont give a CRAP about the staff's opinion of who's makin the most money off them! I wanna know if the quality the food makes any damn difference as to which Rep's get in the effin door and which ones dont. Comprende Hammer? Muy Bien.

Dear abrasive dumbass,

That is not all. Irregardless is a word. It is synonymous with regardless. It can be argued as to whether or not its proper grammar. But, it is a word.

Go away now and do your google search, dumbass.

Smart Ass,

I actually saw a news piece regarding words people commonly misuse. Irregardless, along with many others, was used as an example. The piece was mocking the fact that many Americans are so ignorant that they begin combining words, ultimately making them up, since they don't understand that regardless means the exact same thing as irregardless. Since so many Americans misuse these kind of words, dictionaries adapt. You know, kind of like how twerking is now a word. Great minds think alike, right?

Glad we could clear that up. Now go have a few COCKtails and kill a few more brain cells!!!