I admit it. I made a rash decision. Made horrible mistake taking this job. I also fee like I was lied to on many levels, including me benefits. Worst benefits I have ever had.
Great, then I can only assume that you will submit your resignation today. If you are not happy, get the hell out.
I admit it. I made a rash decision. Made horrible mistake taking this job. I also fee like I was lied to on many levels, including me benefits. Worst benefits I have ever had.
M&A has gotta be in the works here somewhere. MT seems to always leave the door open to some form of that. He talks about predator and prey. Don't know which we are anymore.
Could be why we're staying "lean and mean".
And why we're hearing crickets from the home office.
I believe PFE would have us already for the Dublin HQ, but with inversion, the market cap of the prey has to be at least 25% of the predator.
M&A has gotta be in the works here somewhere. MT seems to always leave the door open to some form of that. He talks about predator and prey. Don't know which we are anymore.
Could be why we're staying "lean and mean".
And why we're hearing crickets from the home office.
I believe PFE would have us already for the Dublin HQ, but with inversion, the market cap of the prey has to be at least 25% of the predator.
Who is this moron that keeps posting SC? Clearly the same idiot. Anyhow, would love to hear from veterans that have been here for a while. Has Mallinckrodt always been so cheap? The benefits are so sub par and everything else is at the most minimum they can possibly get away with. How on earth do they plan on retaining great sales reps?