No one appreciates the sarcasm. Alexion has been a one pony show for years now. You couldn't say that with any of the other companies you have listed. In addition, it is an extremely rare disease state - much more rare than anything the other companies you posted had to deal with. Hey, if you want to defend your job - great - more power to you. But, in ost cases this would not be a good move given the rarity of the drug and no other drug to also sell. If Alexion were smart, they should purchase another drug that would call on the same targets. This would help with access and other issues. All of the other companies you listed did one thing you haven't mention - they diversified their product lines. Alexion - on product & rare. Yeah, that sounds rewarding and fun.
actually i appreciated the was funny and spot on. Alexion has only had Soliris on the market for about 3 years...hardly a long time. All of the aforementioned companies started as one pony shows and grew over time....a long time! Amgen and Genentech started as one pony shows and both diversified over time to become very successful. Genzyme started small and in very rare diseases and has also grown and diversified. You will find that Alexion will diversify over the next 3-5 years and the people here will continue make a lot of money on the stock. Granted PNH is a rare disease and it is a tough market to work, but those that are successful reap the rewards and the stock is still going up!