What is it like working at ALexion?

No one appreciates the sarcasm. Alexion has been a one pony show for years now. You couldn't say that with any of the other companies you have listed. In addition, it is an extremely rare disease state - much more rare than anything the other companies you posted had to deal with. Hey, if you want to defend your job - great - more power to you. But, in ost cases this would not be a good move given the rarity of the drug and no other drug to also sell. If Alexion were smart, they should purchase another drug that would call on the same targets. This would help with access and other issues. All of the other companies you listed did one thing you haven't mention - they diversified their product lines. Alexion - on product & rare. Yeah, that sounds rewarding and fun.

actually i appreciated the sarcasm..it was funny and spot on. Alexion has only had Soliris on the market for about 3 years...hardly a long time. All of the aforementioned companies started as one pony shows and grew over time....a long time! Amgen and Genentech started as one pony shows and both diversified over time to become very successful. Genzyme started small and in very rare diseases and has also grown and diversified. You will find that Alexion will diversify over the next 3-5 years and the people here will continue make a lot of money on the stock. Granted PNH is a rare disease and it is a tough market to work, but those that are successful reap the rewards and the stock is still going up!

actually i appreciated the sarcasm..it was funny and spot on. Alexion has only had Soliris on the market for about 3 years...hardly a long time. All of the aforementioned companies started as one pony shows and grew over time....a long time! Amgen and Genentech started as one pony shows and both diversified over time to become very successful. Genzyme started small and in very rare diseases and has also grown and diversified. You will find that Alexion will diversify over the next 3-5 years and the people here will continue make a lot of money on the stock. Granted PNH is a rare disease and it is a tough market to work, but those that are successful reap the rewards and the stock is still going up!

That was a different time and a different place. The industry has changed was too muc. And who are you kidding? In pharmaceutical/biotech years - 3 years is a very long time. You and other people that have commented have failed to mention this is an extremely rare disease state (Genzyme had no disease this rare and I challenge you to list one. The disease states were not even remotely as rare and they had other drugs at the time - this isn't what happened with the other companies that were mentioned. If you want to draw comparisions, you will need to be fair and find another drug that deals with a 1 in 1 million disease. You will be very hard pressed. I mean this with all sincerety - if you love working here, I think that is great. As you said, it is a tough marketplace and most people won't enjoy that.

look at the biotech comkpanies that were listed. They had a much better regime running there business. Would you say halla had anything to do with amgen success, no. Run from this company. the only positive posts are the alxn people who dont have a territory (posters are probably simpl/mgrs).

That was a different time and a different place. The industry has changed was too muc. And who are you kidding? In pharmaceutical/biotech years - 3 years is a very long time. You and other people that have commented have failed to mention this is an extremely rare disease state (Genzyme had no disease this rare and I challenge you to list one. The disease states were not even remotely as rare and they had other drugs at the time - this isn't what happened with the other companies that were mentioned. If you want to draw comparisions, you will need to be fair and find another drug that deals with a 1 in 1 million disease. You will be very hard pressed. I mean this with all sincerety - if you love working here, I think that is great. As you said, it is a tough marketplace and most people won't enjoy that.

ok, so there is nothing as rare as 1-2 per million, but the point is that all of those companies started somewhere and grew. ALXN is treating a very rare disease and has been very successful thus far. If other indications pan out, the reps who are here will be very wealthy. If you cant handle it and want less pressure, and less money in the long run, then by all means try somewhere else.

ok, so there is nothing as rare as 1-2 per million, but the point is that all of those companies started somewhere and grew. ALXN is treating a very rare disease and has been very successful thus far. If other indications pan out, the reps who are here will be very wealthy. If you cant handle it and want less pressure, and less money in the long run, then by all means try somewhere else.

There may be an advantage to staying on if you have been here for a while, then it may be worth the risk. However, if you are looking to come onboard now - don't. The environment has completely changed. Also, regardless what anyone wants to say - when the time comes and you need to look for another job - A hiring manager may not be impressed with 5 sales a year, despite how rare the disease state it. The day to day grind with this job is not fun at all.

There may be an advantage to staying on if you have been here for a while, then it may be worth the risk. However, if you are looking to come onboard now - don't. The environment has completely changed. Also, regardless what anyone wants to say - when the time comes and you need to look for another job - A hiring manager may not be impressed with 5 sales a year, despite how rare the disease state it. The day to day grind with this job is not fun at all.

ok you win. since you wont leave, we will close tomorrow for good at 4pm. we are giving up too and taking our options and going home. please send your computer back tomorrow. you know the experts and have such strategic insight. not sure how u cant find a company just waiting for your sage wisdom.

There may be an advantage to staying on if you have been here for a while, then it may be worth the risk. However, if you are looking to come onboard now - don't. The environment has completely changed. Also, regardless what anyone wants to say - when the time comes and you need to look for another job - A hiring manager may not be impressed with 5 sales a year, despite how rare the disease state it. The day to day grind with this job is not fun at all.

so, what keeps you here being a rep like us, sunshine? others beating you out for the other oncology jobs in MN? certainly not with your relationships and access, right? cafepharma dear abby gig?

ok you win. since you wont leave, we will close tomorrow for good at 4pm. we are giving up too and taking our options and going home. please send your computer back tomorrow. you know the experts and have such strategic insight. not sure how u cant find a company just waiting for your sage wisdom.

Awww the truth hurts doesn't it? It is so obvious you posted the last 2 messages 10 minutes apart. I get it - you have to defend yourself. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and pushing that 1 in 1 million drug! If you think that is fun, I wonder what you are like at a party....oh thats right, you wouldn't be there.

Awww the truth hurts doesn't it? It is so obvious you posted the last 2 messages 10 minutes apart. I get it - you have to defend yourself. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and pushing that 1 in 1 million drug! If you think that is fun, I wonder what you are like at a party....oh thats right, you wouldn't be there.

what i dont understand is why did this person come to work here in the first place. you knew what you would be selling. you knew that only 1-2 people in a million have the disease. i assume you can do math and figure out how many patients you would be getting in a year. So, why take the job?

what i dont understand is why did this person come to work here in the first place. you knew what you would be selling. you knew that only 1-2 people in a million have the disease. i assume you can do math and figure out how many patients you would be getting in a year. So, why take the job?

I find it to be so funny that you are writing "this person." I am not the OP and I can't stand this job as well. Not only is it a rare disease state, but you are under the microscope everyday with unrealistic expectations. I may have not been lied to in regards to the disease state being so rare, but I was lied to regarding other things to entice me to come onboard. I have four really, really close co-workers here and we consider ourselves the circle of 5. All of us are looking and are completely miserable. So in summary, it isn't just about the drug - it is about the toxic environment. Also, by year three - they could easily pick up another drug that would be complimentary and help with access. Many smaller companies have been able to do that even sooner. I would be willing to bet at least 1/2 of the salesforce is unhappy.

These positive comments have to be coming for management. I don't know why some people are getting bashed on here. The truth is that this isn't a fun job and you truly don't know what you are getting into until you take the job. The leaders are ruthless.

What is it like? Out in the trenches its bullets everyday. The company says 16 PNH cases per million, the data says 4. You are held 7 as a quota. Docs have never seen a patient and are reluctant to sell the patient on a 400K drug even though it is reimbursed. Everyone out west is looking for a new opportunity even the one who was recently "promoted". Its a joke. Friends of Hallal are safe. PM is my manager and is nice but woould have trouble finding employment if David was not at the helm. People are not happy to be here but stay because there is no were to go. To the poster who said his/her stock is worth 700K is full of shit. mayb 250 but not 700.

What is it like? Out in the trenches its bullets everyday. The company says 16 PNH cases per million, the data says 4. You are held 7 as a quota. Docs have never seen a patient and are reluctant to sell the patient on a 400K drug even though it is reimbursed. Everyone out west is looking for a new opportunity even the one who was recently "promoted". Its a joke. Friends of Hallal are safe. PM is my manager and is nice but woould have trouble finding employment if David was not at the helm. People are not happy to be here but stay because there is no were to go. To the poster who said his/her stock is worth 700K is full of shit. mayb 250 but not 700.

FINALLY! A honest and sincere comment! Thank you so much!!!

The pnh experts wont put people on soliris unless they had a clot or most severe cases. But they expect us to convince a doc to put patient on a 400k drug with really no data worth anything at all for smaller clone size. You do not want to work here. The most unrealistic place in pharma.
Also the ride is over for stock, especially new employees. There stock is worth 20K.

The pnh experts wont put people on soliris unless they had a clot or most severe cases. But they expect us to convince a doc to put patient on a 400k drug with really no data worth anything at all for smaller clone size. You do not want to work here. The most unrealistic place in pharma.
Also the ride is over for stock, especially new employees. There stock is worth 20K.

Thank you for your input. I decided to not to go with this opportunity.

I did the same. I decided to stay where I am. Money is not the answer, especially when there really is no bonus. I did made a few calls and talked to reps, only 25% (if that) made goal, majority missed by 25%. whats that tell you?

I did the same. I decided to stay where I am. Money is not the answer, especially when there really is no bonus. I did made a few calls and talked to reps, only 25% (if that) made goal, majority missed by 25%. whats that tell you?

We know that management reads these blogs. Yet they continue to be out of touch with reality. When will they wake up? Mumme are you reading this? Davey?

You bring up that no one makes shits and mgt says your not working. Sure


The PUM Truther.

Mngt reads this, are you kidding me? If you look at all the positive posts ever written about alxn, they are written by tim " cry on a dime, head up anyones a** above him, christian like hitler" simple and his sidekicks. MC "i slept w davey boy", PM "i cant do anything wo TS approval" and the rest of them. I cant wait to leave.