What is going on in reimbursement?

Omg take your energy and channel it somewhere else, like the boys and girls club, be a foster parent anything but at a life and turn your anger into something positive. Call the whistleblower number, call CMS, do something, or get some help you sound so very angry I feel so sorry for you, let it go

Pps may have done what to you? Made you a complete douche bag who is angry at life? If you hate pps so much why do you let them take over your life on a daily basis by all of you negative posts? I think you need to take a good long look at yourself and ask yourself why are you so filled with negative feelings? Why do you hate so much? If you feel like this about pps, your negative energy, wether you realize it or not, over takes your day to day personality. Think about your interactions with people, do you get angry quickly? Are you short on patience? if you are married, do you argue a lot? You need to seek some help and explore why feelings about why you are so angry.

Best of luck to you. I, and many people who read these posts, hope that you really do get some professional help and that you are able to put pps behind you and become a happy person

Pps may have done what to you? Made you a complete douche bag who is angry at life? If you hate pps so much why do you let them take over your life on a daily basis by all of you negative posts? I think you need to take a good long look at yourself and ask yourself why are you so filled with negative feelings? Why do you hate so much? If you feel like this about pps, your negative energy, wether you realize it or not, over takes your day to day personality. Think about your interactions with people, do you get angry quickly? Are you short on patience? if you are married, do you argue a lot? You need to seek some help and explore why feelings about why you are so angry.

Best of luck to you. I, and many people who read these posts, hope that you really do get some professional help and that you are able to put pps behind you and become a happy person

Only the PPS manger here is calling people names....because only she is, like, you know, angry. What-ever!

Pps may have done what to you? Made you a complete douche bag who is angry at life? If you hate pps so much why do you let them take over your life on a daily basis by all of you negative posts? I think you need to take a good long look at yourself and ask yourself why are you so filled with negative feelings? Why do you hate so much? If you feel like this about pps, your negative energy, wether you realize it or not, over takes your day to day personality. Think about your interactions with people, do you get angry quickly? Are you short on patience? if you are married, do you argue a lot? You need to seek some help and explore why feelings about why you are so angry.

Best of luck to you. I, and many people who read these posts, hope that you really do get some professional help and that you are able to put pps behind you and become a happy person

who are these people you speak of? the ones agreeing with you? gotta get my computer checked because i'm not seeing any.

when i worked at this sh&thole there were a couple pps chest thumpers like you in centers.

everyone had the same things in common

a) no husband, wife, gf, bf (by choice or divorce)
b) no kids living with them 100% of the time
c) completely consumed with pps in an attempt to fill a void
d) recently promoted or in a position of power
e) the token brown noser of the district or center
f) the first one to criticize but the last to accept advice
g) gives the least amount of effort in their respective position while policing everyone whom they have no authority over
h) enjoy seeing colleagues fail
i) positions themselves as a necessity by ensuring failure of others

who are these people you speak of? the ones agreeing with you? gotta get my computer checked because i'm not seeing any.

when i worked at this sh&thole there were a couple pps chest thumpers like you in centers.

everyone had the same things in common

a) no husband, wife, gf, bf (by choice or divorce)
b) no kids living with them 100% of the time
c) completely consumed with pps in an attempt to fill a void
d) recently promoted or in a position of power
e) the token brown noser of the district or center
f) the first one to criticize but the last to accept advice
g) gives the least amount of effort in their respective position while policing everyone whom they have no authority over
h) enjoy seeing colleagues fail
i) positions themselves as a necessity by ensuring failure of others

Wow...this is so right on the money....there isn't a thing I can add....

who are these people you speak of? the ones agreeing with you? gotta get my computer checked because i'm not seeing any.

when i worked at this sh&thole there were a couple pps chest thumpers like you in centers.

everyone had the same things in common

a) no husband, wife, gf, bf (by choice or divorce)
b) no kids living with them 100% of the time
c) completely consumed with pps in an attempt to fill a void
d) recently promoted or in a position of power
e) the token brown noser of the district or center
f) the first one to criticize but the last to accept advice
g) gives the least amount of effort in their respective position while policing everyone whom they have no authority over
h) enjoy seeing colleagues fail
i) positions themselves as a necessity by ensuring failure of others

I gotta laugh at "pps chest thumpers"! Ain't that the truth! "Oh, Ah just loves me some PPS, why are all you all so angry and bitter? Why are there jest so many of you angry, bitter people? Oh, Ah just don't understand it, it's all just so, so...demoralizing!" <sob>


who are these people you speak of? the ones agreeing with you? gotta get my computer checked because i'm not seeing any.

when i worked at this sh&thole there were a couple pps chest thumpers like you in centers.

everyone had the same things in common

a) no husband, wife, gf, bf (by choice or divorce)
b) no kids living with them 100% of the time
c) completely consumed with pps in an attempt to fill a void
d) recently promoted or in a position of power
e) the token brown noser of the district or center
f) the first one to criticize but the last to accept advice
g) gives the least amount of effort in their respective position while policing everyone whom they have no authority over
h) enjoy seeing colleagues fail
i) positions themselves as a necessity by ensuring failure of others

perfectly said. ours was the om. single guy, never dated, lived, breathed PPS, would yell at everyone who didn't do everything the way it said in the manual, thought he was bestest of best friends with the dm and rm........dm and rm f&cking hated him but he did EVERYTHING they told him to do. master of puppets rules those who are too scared to challenge, that's why there isn't a single pcc remaining in my district that was there 1yr........oh except the om, the dm is obviously gone because they last what.........6mo's?