One would have to asume that the PC sales force will be cut in half by the end of the fiscal year, March 31st. The previous reorganization left two reps with virtually overlapping territories in many geographies. This next cut will probably be performed more hastily by out-sourced "bean-counters" who are not personally familiar with the representatives, their territories, or their history with the company. The question is, will the company make a point to keep a veteran rep who knows the territory well and has proven him / herself to be a valuable performer over the years because this rep will be the only one in town? Or, will the company be looking to keep the less expensive of the two choices no matter how they match up in terms of quality? Generally, parameters are not published for a variety of reasons. Best of luck.

On the onc side, they really only need 1 rep per territory to cover both hospitals and clinics. The overlap is silly and kinda frustrating. With 205 reps total, we are way to overstaffed. I would assume that needs to be cut back to 120-130 territories at max. And ZS will cut those territories, so geography and where you live matters.

remember the "footprints" info. behind job title those are the deciding factors? displaced reps/dm's that relocated are not necessarily going to get hit in round 2. its a free for all saddle up for the ride

On the onc side, they really only need 1 rep per territory to cover both hospitals and clinics. The overlap is silly and kinda frustrating. With 205 reps total, we are way to overstaffed. I would assume that needs to be cut back to 120-130 territories at max. And ZS will cut those territories, so geography and where you live matters.

Or more. 85 tops given the portfolio.