Did you not read my other post?
old- gone
DM hates you-gone
high base salary -gone

No other criteria needed. This is how the real world works. They will shift peopl;e all over the place to make it look arbitrary-- but it is not.

if you breathe= gone
if you have ever had bad breath=gone
have a pimple on your nose=gone
are fat/skinny=gone
ate chips for breakfast=gone
taken a sh*tt in you r car- gone

What kind of f**in^ criteria do you need? Cant you read the writying on the wall???? This ship is ready to sink-soon, you better get off of it NOW!

if you breathe= gone
if you have ever had bad breath=gone
have a pimple on your nose=gone
are fat/skinny=gone
ate chips for breakfast=gone
taken a sh*tt in you r car- gone

What kind of f**in^ criteria do you need? Cant you read the writying on the wall???? This ship is ready to sink-soon, you better get off of it NOW!

I guess in your case it's: if you're dumb as a rock = gone

Who cares. I really don't. If I stick fine. If I don't, I'll find something else and be happy. I sell stuff. If not Eisai's, then someone else's stuff. I have sold things outside of pharma before and was happy doing it. Be flexable, have a good attitude and you will do fine. Don't have a heart attack over what may or may not happen.

Have you ever asked for something and didn't get it? Have you ever realized later that it was good that you did not get what you asked for? I have on both counts. Leave it up to God and you will always get what's best.

Their decisions have been regularly flawed from my observation. Whatever they decide, I am sure it will be a screwed up mess.

Who cares. I really don't. If I stick fine. If I don't, I'll find something else and be happy. I sell stuff. If not Eisai's, then someone else's stuff. I have sold things outside of pharma before and was happy doing it. Be flexable, have a good attitude and you will do fine. Don't have a heart attack over what may or may not happen.

Have you ever asked for something and didn't get it? Have you ever realized later that it was good that you did not get what you asked for? I have on both counts. Leave it up to God and you will always get what's best.

Their decisions have been regularly flawed from my observation. Whatever they decide, I am sure it will be a screwed up mess.

your overly over confident,my friend. There are still people from the last layoff looking!

If LC stays, nothing will change. Of that you can be sure. He just doesn't have the guts to remove his long time buddy's from their posts. Even though he knows that the majority of them are incompetent. He's made poor choices not only in business decisions but also in the idiots with whom he's surrounded himself. How can anyone of the legacy incompetent VPs provide LC with any insight or industry knowledge that would bring any value? If they ever did, the company would not be where it is today. And look around the HO. All the same idiots are still there running the show.

if LC goes, this may send the wrong message to the rest of the company. either way the company is unsalvageable, PC has max of 18 months. if you let obrien go, it can be said that the company can now move forward. the company goal needs to be to maintain some sanity in a truly insane time. my guess is that obrien failed with aricept 23, so he will be dismissed.

either way, something big will happen friday, they are not pulling the sales force out of the field to listen to a town hall meeting...

They are going to be SMART:
Time Framed

With SWOT criteria:SWOT analysis using strategic planning method to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Just like our business plans!!!

If LC stays, nothing will change. Of that you can be sure. He just doesn't have the guts to remove his long time buddy's from their posts. Even though he knows that the majority of them are incompetent. He's made poor choices not only in business decisions but also in the idiots with whom he's surrounded himself. How can anyone of the legacy incompetent VPs provide LC with any insight or industry knowledge that would bring any value? If they ever did, the company would not be where it is today. And look around the HO. All the same idiots are still there running the show.

amen. how right you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I wasn't going to get into this but McKenzie probably did the groundwork for this as well when we had the first layoffs. If they didn't then again Eisai didn't have enough foresight to see the inevitable. The groundwork has most likely been laid and all of our fates sealed. There will be no changing it.

How many people were displaced then given new territories or districts(dm's) and the company has paid for their move and now they are going to eat it (by probably laying off the same people they laid off and then paid to have move).

Either way the company has wasted resources that we didn't have. And again the bad leaders will be the ones that are the ones that are left.

They are going to be SMART:
Time Framed

With SWOT criteria:SWOT analysis using strategic planning method to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Just like our business plans!!!

Yes and you know how successful those business plans have been. Thank God they hired Ann Miller to salvage Eisai's business planning. She has single handedly saved Eisai and that's why Aricept 23 is selling like crazy. NOT! Fire her ass too

if LC goes, this may send the wrong message to the rest of the company. either way the company is unsalvageable, PC has max of 18 months. if you let obrien go, it can be said that the company can now move forward. the company goal needs to be to maintain some sanity in a truly insane time. my guess is that obrien failed with aricept 23, so he will be dismissed.

either way, something big will happen friday, they are not pulling the sales force out of the field to listen to a town hall meeting...

You are very narrow minded. If you want to pin aricept 23's failure on OB, you may have a case. But....OB is not responsible for eritorin or lorcaserin or lusedra.

Expand your little mind and you'll see LC is the responsible person and must be fired.