I wouldn't count this over just yet. Look on the Forest board. They are getting ready for layoffs and the addition of a new sales force that is cheaper and well lets face it not a Forest rep that costs more. I have a feeling that they will continue with the contract and that the 6460 will go it alone or will become new forest reps. I think that , why cause I am still hoping for this project to go through and I need the job. Ill drink the koolaid if need be but I make sure its sugar free first.

Well I guess that this is a go. Got confirmation.

Well I guess was wrong and had a lot of wishful thinking. I just got the email confirming that they are suspending this project. I was to have my final interview next week but I guess not now. Lol
This is par for my course as of late. I was really hoping for this project good drug novel concept and Forests go it for a steal. Natural fit though. So to all of you that were in the final processes congratulations you were considered a very good presenter, rep etc. Heywe beat out all those on phone screens and in the initial interview to make it to the final two. Take this.momentum into your next interviews talk about it hell you deserve to. I was in the south Midwest area and disappointed yes but happy t know I was good endoifh . Good luck and hope we al find something soon .