6460 is the DaBoner, Ltd contract. Not signed yet but should be shortly. DaBoner manufactures rubber dicks used in penile transplant surgery. Their motto is "once a DaBoner, always a dick".

Ladies and gentlemen we have good news that we have sign a new contract with PGxHealth to launch a new antidepressant called Viibryd.

If you are not currently on a Quintiles Commercial project and left the company in good standing please apply by going to the Quintiles job boards!

This is a new 3 year deal and I and the client want qualified NS talent from the 8822/6349 team!

Best of luck in the interview process!

Dan Yarnell

Wonder how Forest buying Clinical Labs for Viibrid will effect the contract? Forest has plenty
of reps already for their portfolio

Unfortunately, I don't see why Forest wouldn't void the contract. Forest does already have a psych sales team and even if it doesn't use those reps to launch Viibrid I'm sure they would want to hire their own reps and not hire an outside salesforce for a potential billion dollar product launch.