What is Acumed thinking?

They're planning to sell their rib fixation platform to focus more heavily on other areas of the business. Lots of pissed of employees
Still cutting to success. "Doctor - I am here representing... Hey Doc, do you have any positions available? I just got notified on LinkedIn that I've been let go!" Sometimes leadership, ya know, is like lonely. Don't be so quick to judge alcoholics that molest sales people. It's hard work!

How much acumed experience are they kicking out the door - over and over and over. It’s sad watching these idiots destroy a once great company. Soon there will be no one left to eliminate and they will surely turn on each other.

Gee….wonder who that could be? Tyler Childers perhaps…..
Hjalmar too. He was reported to HR as having inappropriately touched a female employee yet HR did nothing to investigate the matter. And don't worry, it's totally appropriate for a female employee to sit on the President's lap in an Uber at the Sales meeting in front of a hand full of reps. Nothing to see here.

How much acumed experience are they kicking out the door - over and over and over. It’s sad watching these idiots destroy a once great company. Soon there will be no one left to eliminate and they will surely turn on each other.
Experience gone, deal done. Why worry about silly females getting molested? Don't they want it when they dress that way??? They wanted it at Smith & Nephew. Now you have one of the bigger perverts in charge of more - with more opportunities. Hey, if you have to Pimp for the Prez to keep your job...why not? And the BRK lawyers will back you up??? What? What are we waiting for, Boss?!?!? Uber up!

When will the leaching of this company end? I figure Hjalmer is almost out of rope. And then the next cleansing will begin.
Hjalmar - the corporate laxative! Problem is the laxative goes out with everything else that is getting flushed!
Never met a more incompetent group of senior leaders. Anyone who knows the business is now gone. It's like a not-for-profit - the only ones left are the ones who cannot hold a job in a real business.