What is actually going on?

Little T sounds angry. Slow down big guy

Thank you, but as always, I'm fine!
Both Big L. and I are so committed to the Aqua delivery system, that we want everyone else to know about the benefits that your universal pathway can provide through acceptance of the Aqua delivery system!
I hope you will accept the Aqua delivery system, so that YOU too can have a life filled with eternal peace and serenity! It's YOUR'S for the asking!

With love,
Little Tony Vegas

If you work for Aqua, run for the hills! I am a consumer. My teen daughter was just prescribed Acticlate and Veltin last week by one of Austin's largest dermatology practices. The co.'s Successfill program was cancelled, unbeknownst to doctors and first online pharmacy that filled it. $1100 not covered cost for Acticiate and $895 for Veltin. Completely ridiculous. Aqua can look forward to selling none of this product because no one will pay!! I got RX for generic and RX for two components of Veltin. Seriously criminal.

If you work for Aqua, run for the hills! I am a consumer. My teen daughter was just prescribed Acticlate and Veltin last week by one of Austin's largest dermatology practices. The co.'s Successfill program was cancelled, unbeknownst to doctors and first online pharmacy that filled it. $1100 not covered cost for Acticiate and $895 for Veltin. Completely ridiculous. Aqua can look forward to selling none of this product because no one will pay!! I got RX for generic and RX for two components of Veltin. Seriously criminal.

Right because Aqua is such an innovative company, Acticlate is the same crap as Monodox was. If you are are real clinical rep looking for longevity go try to sell a Bio-similar when they are out. Not bottom feeding BS drugs like any medical derm company.

Actually Mayne is better, have you seen their growth and they are attacking the generic market. Guess what generic's mean? COVERAGE at the pharmacy, easier to sell!

"Easier to sell"....spoken like a true lazy rep - as soon as things get challenging, run. You're better off at Mayne, good luck with that

Right because Aqua is such an innovative company, Acticlate is the same crap as Monodox was. If you are are real clinical rep looking for longevity go try to sell a Bio-similar when they are out. Not bottom feeding BS drugs like any medical derm company.
I don't think Aqua is great either...but I'm not gonna leave for a company like Mayne. It's another me too company that I compare to Journey and all those small companies that I believe will only last a year or so.
Definitely agree it's time to get out at Aqua. Just don't want to go to a place that will go under in next year or two.

I don't think Aqua is great either...but I'm not gonna leave for a company like Mayne. It's another me too company that I compare to Journey and all those small companies that I believe will only last a year or so.
Definitely agree it's time to get out at Aqua. Just don't want to go to a place that will go under in next year or two.

The last couple of posts--------- The true example of why YOU All must accept the Aqua delivery system!
Don't YOU idiots realize that your future has been decided, and your decisions of what to do, or not do can be given to YOU from YOUR universal pathway!! WHY WONDER, "go to Mayne, go to Journey"? the right move for YOU has already been decided; accept the Aqua delivery system, and follow your universal pathway!! Eternal peace and serenity will then be yours!

The delivery system is what has given me the light, what a delivery system it was, it delivered the truth which is AQUA is failing. Like the movie GET OUT...GET OUTTTT

Aqua may be failing for YOU! YES, if the Aqua delivery system is NOT for you, then of course, YOU should get out and go elsewhere. That's the right thing for YOU to do!
The most important thing is that wherever you go and what ever you do, the Aqua delivery system will always be with you! And your universal pathway will always be there for you to view and know which direction to follow! It will always guide you in the right direction! Simply follow the direction.
Eternal peace and serenity will ALWAYS be yours!

Boring L Tony

Little Tony here:
Although I didn't write the previous posting, I believe what was said is very true and to the point!
Both Big L. and I believe strongly in the Aqua delivery system. It is so important, and following your universal pathway is most important!
We all want eternal peace and serenity in our lives. And accepting the Aqua delivery system is the first step to finding eternal peace! TRUTH is NEVER boring!

With love,
Little Tony Vegas

Hey Little Tony,

I guess Big L did not follow the Aqua Delivery path. If she had, she would not be on the unemployment line now!

She is where she is supposed to be! And where are YOU?? More importantly, where WILL YOU wind up in the future, without accepting the Aqua delivery system??

Little Tony Vegas