What in the good fuck did we just hear about today with the new IC plan? Thoughts?


We are daily with competition. We are struggling against other districts, areas, regions. Now we get to struggle against our podmates. Favoritism at its finest. Did someone say the Sema Hunger Games?
This. Everyone is now pitted against their pod mates and district teammates to vie for the attention of their dbm and rbd. Everything will now be all about leading another conference call, sharing a fake success story,
'collaborating' with the DE or RAM who does nothing all day, and anything and everything other than actually working and spending time with customers. This is the new Novo, built by people who lead by metrics.

Lilly rep here

You are going to HATE this system. This is the exact system that we have at Lilly. It’s super fvckin toxic

I used to want to switch to Novo but now y’all are just the same system as we are

This. Everyone is now pitted against their pod mates and district teammates to vie for the attention of their dbm and rbd. Everything will now be all about leading another conference call, sharing a fake success story,
'collaborating' with the DE or RAM who does nothing all day, and anything and everything other than actually working and spending time with customers. This is the new Novo, built by people who lead by metrics.
Waaaaaaaaah! Go get another job then asswipe. Like you do anything all day besides hold your wanker.

So my question is : who is responsible for this new format? My guess: someone who came here from another company where this was implemented and much hated, then they left and came here to do the same. Just a hunch, but am I wrong?

We are daily with competition. We are struggling against other districts, areas, regions. Now we get to struggle against our podmates. Favoritism at its finest. Did someone say the Sema Hunger Games?
This is frustrating. I have a manger that shows preferential treatment to males. He is stacking his team with males. He assigns the leadership roles within the district to males. It’s blatantly obvious to the few females on the team.

This. Everyone is now pitted against their pod mates and district teammates to vie for the attention of their dbm and rbd. Everything will now be all about leading another conference call, sharing a fake success story,
'collaborating' with the DE or RAM who does nothing all day, and anything and everything other than actually working and spending time with customers. This is the new Novo, built by people who lead by metrics.
oh this has already started!

This. Everyone is now pitted against their pod mates and district teammates to vie for the attention of their dbm and rbd. Everything will now be all about leading another conference call, sharing a fake success story,
'collaborating' with the DE or RAM who does nothing all day, and anything and everything other than actually working and spending time with customers. This is the new Novo, built by people who lead by metrics.

You mean that the reps who actually pull their own weight will now be rewarded and the coattailers will no longer get a freebie to COE and those folks are upset about it?

You can’t control your script flow, your geography, or your market access. What you can control is yourself and apparently, you don’t like what you see enough to want to be compensated that way.

This. Everyone is now pitted against their pod mates and district teammates to vie for the attention of their dbm and rbd. Everything will now be all about leading another conference call, sharing a fake success story,
'collaborating' with the DE or RAM who does nothing all day, and anything and everything other than actually working and spending time with customers. This is the new Novo, built by people who lead by metrics.
cope harder p*ssy