What happens if my Tamiflu is expired???


okay.... so I have an old rx for tamiflu that I have kept "just in case" ...I know that there is plenty of rx for everyone but-If I HAVE to take the rx I already have, it expired in 2006...... are there any potential side effects from taking the expired rx or will it just loose efficacy??? Thank you!

okay.... so I have an old rx for tamiflu that I have kept "just in case" ...I know that there is plenty of rx for everyone but-If I HAVE to take the rx I already have, it expired in 2006...... are there any potential side effects from taking the expired rx or will it just loose efficacy??? Thank you!

Might have to give up pig f**king for a while.

okay.... so I have an old rx for tamiflu that I have kept "just in case" ...I know that there is plenty of rx for everyone but-If I HAVE to take the rx I already have, it expired in 2006...... are there any potential side effects from taking the expired rx or will it just loose efficacy??? Thank you!

Use the expired stuff. It just losses efficacy very slowly over time.

The original shelf life was extended from five years to seven years, IIRC, so yours may be a bit beyond that, but not by much. It's probably fine as long as it wasn't stashed in your glove compartment and left in a baking hot car, or anything like that.

okay.... so I have an old rx for tamiflu that I have kept "just in case" ...I know that there is plenty of rx for everyone but-If I HAVE to take the rx I already have, it expired in 2006...... are there any potential side effects from taking the expired rx or will it just loose efficacy??? Thank you!

expired tamiflu molecularly changes into swine flu

I know this is a little late to the conversation, but the several years ago the FDA actually extended the shelf-life of expired Tamiflu by as much as 30 months to meet emergency needs: they tested and re-verified the active to prove its efficacy...

Be glad yours expired before you tried to use it.
Let's see - taking Tamiflu you get better somewhere between 1/2 day and 1 1/2 days than if you did nothing.
In exchange you get nausea, diarrhea and potential suicide. Seems like a great drug.

Just happened upon this thread - I cannot believe what a bunch a mean, nasty jerks there are out there... Seriously, what is wrong with you people?? Are you THAT miserable in your own lives that you have no gating mechanism to your childish impulses, no recourse to your own unhappiness than to belittle and ridicule others and try to make them unhappy too??? Or do you have no moral compass to recognize how damaging your casual cruelty is??? No wonder violence and suicide are destroying us --- bullies like you are ruining our society. I hope there's some little part of you that feels some remorse...